Thursday, August 16, 2012

PCOS - Day 2??

Yesterday was quite frustrating, and obviously didn't go as planned. I got a call from the doctor's office saying that my blood work from Tuesday was inconclusive for PCOS. So today I'm up bright & early so that I can go take a glucose test. Technically labeled as "Insulin Resistance Panel."

When I called to schedule, I asked quite a few questions because when I was pregnant & had to drink those nasty things, I passed with flying colors. Which is odd considering I was the size of a house for both pregnancies & had "DIABETIC" written all over me.... But yet, I wasn't. So I didn't want to waste the lab & my time over a test I knew wouldn't help. Well, apparently, this is slightly different. I will have fasted for 14 hours (you know how when you have to fast & you aren't hungry, but knowing you can't have food MAKES YOU FEEL hungry....yeah....). They'll take my blood right when I get there, & then after I chug they'll take it every 1/2 hr. Not only to see how I handle the glucose, but also what happens insulin-wise within my body (insulin being the PCOS factor). The lab tech assured me this was different.

So when Dan woke up today at 4am, of course my eyes popped open too (even though my alarm was set for 5:15).  Too much on my mind right now between Jig's Schoolhouse Rock and my medical stuff.  At least we're done with the older kids' registrations, and now need to get through the rest of the week.  Tomorrow (Friday) I have an internal & external sonogram - to make sure it's NOT my gallbladder and to see if I have any cysts on my ovaries.

However, there is some "better" news...I learned a bit more in my research yesterday. That PCOS suffers don't necessarily eat like a diabetic - more of a low glycemic type of diet.  So I'm trying to learn more about that (think: South Beach Diet).

Well, that's the update now. Hopefully, there will be more news tomorrow.

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