All About Stacey...

Hi!  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

I've always been a journaler by nature - I have a ton of journals and diaries in boxes from when I was a kid, and as I was growing up.  I usually didn't have a close enough friend who would "get me" or understand what I was going through, so as a release, I always just wrote it down.

Now I write for a variety of reasons: (first and foremost) as a conversation to God. I know that if I THINK it, HE knows it.  But it also allows me to look back on my journey and see how far I've come.  In the past I've also been a scrapbooker - mostly for my kids.  But maybe someday they'll want to look back and see what I was thinking??? Maybe not.  I'm not really doing this for anybody other than myself, but if someone relates to my thoughts and situation, maybe knowing that someone else is going through it helps them too, especially in the journey of weight loss.

But now about me...

I've been married twice, most recently to my best friend, Dan.  And together we have 4 kids - 2 of mine, 2 of his.  Warning: 3 are currently teenagers!  Urg!  They make our lives eventful, to say the least!  Bottom of the "pack" is my 7 year old who so badly wants to fit in with the older ones, and secretly glad that she doesn't!

When I married Dan, we moved from Eastern Washington state to Idaho.  The area around here is very similar to what we're used to, and we're liking it the longer we're here.  My husband has a great job with ATK (he makes bullets - a real "man's man job") and I am a teacher by profession.  It's hard to find teaching jobs anywhere, so right now I'm working at a private school teaching 3rd, 4th & 5th grade.

I love sports, but ironically don't have a lot of time to watch on TV, and besides: we don't have TV service!  But yes, I do miss watching football each and every Sunday.  But instead, I go to church and use my weekends to get the house situated for the week to come.