Thursday, May 17, 2012

Continuing the craziness...

Well, if last week was the crazy week from hell, this is probably the continuation of that week, just a different location.

So "technically" speaking, as of last Friday, we lost our building to our school and daycare that I work for.  We shortened up the school year to end on the 24th (end of May before Memorial weekend) and had a goal to finish it out at my boss' house.

That's my 6 students.
That's with her 7 students.
AND 7 day care kids....3 under the age of 1.

Well, as expected, Monday was complete chaos.  Not only was the new location a huge issue, but my boss has a decent sized house, but there were just TOO MANY BODIES!  So my class meets outside until lunch time.  At that point, we have no more shade out back, we've been outside for WAY too long (we're exhausted) and the heat just starts to get to us.

Fortunately, the rest of the week is supposed to be cooler.  However, we've hit a high of 94 degrees on Tuesday. :-/  No matter how much sunscreen-lubbing up we're doing, there's always SOMEONE who gets too much sun.  I, myself have quite the tan going on...not that it's my goal.  But you know that when you use sunscreen SPF 55 for your "moisturizer" first thing out of the shower, you know you're going to get touched by the sun!  (And yes, I keep re-applying.)

By noon school is "done."  Not because we're so good at staying on task, but because they're spent.  After lunch we do a bit of "reading buddies" with the younger ones and then by 1:00, they're DONE.  A lot of water play has been happening, and then for the most part, I'm recess duty until 3:15 when I BUST outta there.

It's crazy.

Well, we've now shortened up the "year" to end Friday - yes, thank GOD tomorrow!  And I will continue to come in next week in the mornings to help her out with the daycare kids because I still want to be paid through my contract and NEED that income.

In the meantime, what does this mean for my health?  sheesh...

I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed early, still waking up early. No "real" exercise except on the weekends (however, I'm still "active" outside with the kids - moreso now than ever).  I'm still eating well, but by noon I'm having my Shakeology for lunch and minimal for dinner.  When I get overheated, I just can NOT eat.  Fruit or carrots are my snacks, so that's good, and drinking water and iced tea like CRAZY!

To add more "craziness" to it all, I'm working with my son's Parent Group for football, and I'm in charge of the Football program this year.  I took it on ONLY because I thought this would be a "summer project." HA!  The "summer project" is already in full swing!  Gathering advertisements, calling for bids (for printing), etc., etc.  OI!  What did I get myself into? 

Just really excited for Memorial Day weekend - the "signal" that I get my life BACK!

Until next time...

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