Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 12A - Saturday - CLEANSE DAY 2

Yesterday was really hard in the afternoon on my cleanse.  Only because Friday is cooking day for my class, and I was teaching them how to make Monkey Bread.  Which (if you're unfamiliar) is frankly just white flour, sugar, butter, cinnamon and brown sugar.  It's ewey-gooeyness and great for a breakfast treat.  Of course I chose this torture BEFORE I chose to do the cleanse, and although torturous, it was a great feeling knowing that I had all-the-more reason to decline.  It's not good for you in the first place, let alone on a cleanse.

Pre-workout:  E2 (energy/vitamin drink), Vit C, Apple cider vinegar & Metamucil

Breakfast: Tropical Shakeology with 1/2 scoop of Whey Protein Powder, Strawberries, and green tea, with water & ice

AM Snack:  none :-(  Too busy

Lunch: Greenberry Shakeology with green tea, water, and 1/2 scoop of Protein powder

Snack: (starving!) Apple and some yams - should have had my 3rd shakeology, but I was at work and had NO time!

Dinner:  Dinner was at 7:30pm (not good), and I was already starving!  When I went to the fridge to get out the cooked chicken (from last night's leftovers), I found that my KIDS ATE THEM! URG!  So I had to put on leftover ground beef.  I know that we're supposed to refrain from red meat, but with hubby heading to bed at 8pm, I either had to have a blah salad (which I couldn't - I was HUNGRY!) or go with the substitute meat.  NUTS!

The cleanse itself isn't hard!  The only "hard" part today was I was at work for most of it, and in retail when it's busy, it's BUSY and I couldn't get back to the break room to actually MAKE the shake!  I had cut up yams from the night before, so it was easy to slip a bite here and there - same with the apple.  Oh well, they are fruit/veggie, so it's good.

I don't usually weigh myself during my period - it's just a bad idea.  But I snuck one in....I still weigh 188.4!!  (ok, the weight is still high, and it hasn't moved, but during my period, I gain/lose about 5+ lbs all in about 5-7 days.  Dang water weight!)  I'm really looking forward to the next weigh in, believe it or not!

I think I'm going to try to take this through Day 4.  I have a feeling that hubby is going to try to take me out on a date night tonight after work, and since we haven't had one in WEEKS (!) - since Tim Hawkins in Tri-Cities - I can't say no. We're in BAD NEED of one.  But maybe I can convince him to wait until MONDAY

Treadmill:  1 hour, 551 calories

I'm off my calorie burn goal for the week by about 600 calories.  Ouch.  That's because my Saturday workout wasn't as long, and I didn't workout Mon - Wed.  That pre-period days really caught up with me.  I'm hoping that the lack of calories during this cleanse will help offset that.

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