Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 16A - Wednesday

Just another working day...until I got home!  Spent 3 hours on the garage roof helping hubby put on the shingles for 1 side.  He's spent the last 2 days (yesterday & today) on and off with the patchy weather trying to get the old stuff off, and the new stuff on.  Well, not only was his horrible blister (and legs, and back!) barking at him, but then he had the Princess' student-led conference to attend to.  So it was up to me and the boys (my son and his son) to get as much done as we could.  I know my husband was frustrated because the boys were learning, and not doing it to the standard that he wanted...which meant slower and there were a few "re-dos."  But I remember as a kid being scared of making a mistake because my dad would just yell at me and didn't understand why I couldn't do it just like him.  (Really??)  So I tried to not continue that down our generational tree.  They did well.  Not professional, but hey - we got Matt (his son) on the ROOF!  And he's scared of HEIGHTS! Yay!

I may not have done a "workout" yesterday, but at the end of the day, I felt good about what was accomplished.

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