Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 7A

Monday...oh, LORD it's a Monday! 

Monday is normally my "off" day for workouts, and it seems to fit - at least for me.  Whereas most people in the states are starting a new diet today, I'm giving myself rest after working my butt off all weekend - both literally and figuratively!  (Weekends are my best workout days!) :-)

As for the food choices for today, I've been doing really well.  I'm just struggling (still) with finding the time to track it all!  But breakfast has been 1/2 cup oats with a 1/2 scoop of Whey Protein and a 1/2 cup of fruit (it's been strawberries & blueberries lately).  YUM!  Today for lunch...lunch?!?!  I need to start taking my Shakeology for lunch!  I didn't get a lunch (due to job #3 sneaking in there...lucky me!), and we had leftovers for dinner tonight. So my eating is still on track.

We didn't get the kids much candy (only a hollow chocolate bunny) for Easter, so there's no Easter treat temptations in the house - yay!  Which is good, because I think the PMS cravings are starting to call my name again.  Gee, it's so great being a woman sometimes!  *sarcasm*  But I don't know about OTHER women, but right after I start my period, my cravings for CRAP food subside, and I really start craving REAL food - fruits, veggies and everything else that I wish I would crave the other 29-30 days of the month.  For the most part, I don't ever have a problem EATING those foods, but for those 2-3 days I really CRAVE them.  (sorry guys, for the female insight...) But it's like since my body is purging of all that old "stuff" for those days, I need to refuel/refill my body with PURE fuel/food & ingredients.  Even moreso than I normally do - NO artificial stuff whatsoever! Look past the cravings and look forward to those upcoming days...

Here's a shot of my family and I yesterday at Easter.  What you can't see (very well, anyway) is that I'm rocking a SIZE 12 DRESS! (I was a 16 - and a TIGHT 16 - at the beginning of the year! WAHOO! ;-)  And yes, hubby's liking the difference too...

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