Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 19A - Saturday

Today I was just MOM.  I slept in a bit, and then headed out to my daughter's last soccer game. :-(  They got wallopped, but she had a good time, and is so sad to see the season end.  I'm sad to see it end because I only got to see 1 game (because of work).  Next year...1 job only, baby!

My baby girl playing what she loves! :)
I got to take her to their team's party, and then I had to go to work.  :-(  It was fun being "just mom" while it lasted....

Next weekend I have Saturday off - I have a 10k (6.2 miles) that I'm running in the morning, and so I got the whole day off.  I'm excited.  My paycheck will suck pond water, but having a day off will be even better.

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