Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 17A - Thursday

Oh my stinkin' gosh!  Just when I think life has smoothed out... NOPE!  Today I ran my butt off at Job #1/#2.  And just a little venting here: when your boss has asked you to cover her class a MULTITUDE of times during the week, you would think that she would cover MY class for a 1/2 hour when I'm trying to cover for 2 daycare staff who are late from a dr.'s appt, and one who had to transport kids from elementary school!  But NOOOOOO....!  I had to cover those 2 spots, my class AND hers!  (sorry for the rant...I'm done, nothing that can be done about it now.)  My husband said "I just can't wait for you to get out of there."  Hear, hear!  Can't wait for June 5th - last day of school!

And yes, I had Job #3 immediately after school, but in comparison, 2.5 hrs. at a low-key bible bookstore is NOTHING in comparison!  Granted, I wanted to BE at home (since hubby gets off at 4:00 on Thursdays), but compare that to the chaos at Job 1/ Visa would say...."priceless."

Short treadmill time: 36 min, 276 calories

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