Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 25 & 26A - Friday & Saturday (10k)


Although I was off of work on Friday (from teaching), I had to work at the bible bookstore.  And I got myself in a pickle because I wanted to work out AND get a half a dozen things done before I went in.  Well, of course you can't have your cake & eat it too.  So I only got a bit of a treadmill run in, but that was probably best right before the 10k.

Treadmill: 41 min., 399 calories


I was a bit nervous for this 10k.  It's been a LONG time since I did an official 10k, and the most mileage I've done lately has been right around 5-ish.  (10k = 6.2 miles.) 

It was a really good run for the first half, and I felt REALLY good.  But the run map was deceiving, and we spent most of it on the Lewiston side (in the direct sun - eesh) = HOT!  I could tell that I've only been running around 5 miles, because my motor was running out of energy around mile 5, but I kept pushing on, knowing I was really near the end.  I KNOW that last mile was my longest time, but my average pace was 11:34.  That's MUCH faster than my last 10k pace of 12:08!  I've MUCH improved!

Before the race - PERFECT weather! Cool, but sunny!

As I passed by "bigger" people, I thought about how I'm SO glad that I'm not there anymore - but I USED to be! 
So I'd encourage them on - usually by saying "keep going!" "You can do it!" "One foot in front of the other!" And hopefully someday they too will continue to PR their walking times, and go from walking to jogging, and jogging to running.

And I reflected about how much I have changed over time - when I started "waddling" back in 2009.  In 3 years I have gone up and down in weight, but I'm getting STRONGER and FASTER! I've always been STRONG, but NEVER "fast."  But getting FASTER means I'm improving, and that's the point.

At the finish line - took this pic a few seconds after I actually had gone through.
MY TIME: 1:11:42

How we were getting back to Clarkston for our cars: by boat!

5K PR as well! 34:50
10K PR: 1:11:42

My post-race photo: bib, shirt, shoes & times.

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