Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 22, 23 & 24A - Tues, Wed & Thurs.

Well, I'd love to say that everything has been "normal" around our place, but that's true, yet not.  (Full of oxy-morons, aren't I?)

In the past couple days we've had a ton more drama at Job #1/#3.  The building where the school & daycare are located has been sold out from underneath us.  Like with everything else, of course it's good and bad news. The good news is that my boss doesn't have to deal with the jerk who USED to own it.  (Long story.) Bad news is it was sold to another daycare in the area, and they want to make it their new school - age facility..... BEFORE summer.  Oi!  My boss is pretty good friends with the new building owner, and before they can move in and make renovations it's needs to be licenced for the new business, etc.  Our biggest concern is....can we finish school in our building?  I'm thinking NO.  So we may have to finish it up at my boss' house; which will be a bit of a squeeze.  (I have 6 students, she has 10.)  And of course there's the daycare side of it all.  The staff is panicking for their jobs, and parents are upset (where will they be taking their child?  How long do they have to find a new place?)  Lots of questions, and not a lot of answers right now.

Of course this is killing my sleep patterns.  I finally buckled down and had to take BENADRYL (of all things) to get to sleep last night (Wednesday night).  FINALLY I feel well rested!  On top of it all, we've been having a crazy summer-like heat wave, and of course the AC is not working in my classroom OR my car (making me quite cranky when you add the lack of sleep in there).  Luckily this morning I woke up to rain! YAY! I'm hoping we get more answers today.

Treadmill: 40 min, 390 calories

I still have my 10k this weekend, and I'm glad the heat wave broke because it's supposed to start at 10am - I would have died.  It's been around 78 degrees + by 10 am!  Whew!

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