Saturday, April 21, 2012

Night 18A - Friday night

In the deep introspection of losing Jobs #1 & 3, I totally forgot to report about the Twilight 5k that I ran last night!

Ok, first of all, remember that I had such a crappy, crappy day yesterday.  Not just because of what happened ON the job, but because of the whole day in general.  I got home after I got off all 3 jobs, and my kids are being turds...urg!  So I was actually pretty excited that I was going to go on a run.

I don't normally run in the evenings - at all!  I'm tired from working, and although it SOUNDS like a good release, it also keeps me up late because of the adrenaline rush.  When I work out, I'm getting ready for my day, so in the evening if I do anything, it's only Yoga or walking to keep my HR where it should be.

So I asked my husband if he wanted me to stay - he just got home as I was trying to head out the door.  (He had a crappy day too, and it was going to be worse this weekend - 4 of his support people were off this weekend, and that means he'll be 5 people. Not good...)  I thought he might want me to stay and be the supportive wife.  Nope - he told me that I needed the run and get outta there! ;-)

So I did.

The weather was PERFECT for the race - cloudy, breezy and great!  (But the clouds matched my mood.)  I tripped over a railroad tie, and hoped it wouldn't affect me (which it did...just a bit).  And right as the race started, my iPod craps out on me.  Great - hurting ankle, no tunes...CRAP!!!  And I just wasn't "into" it, ya know?  But I was resigned to finish, and just DO IT!

So I did.

I was pleased that everyone I had passed along the way stayed behind me.  I'm not a FAST jogger, but I have endurance - even on the crappy runs!  There was a gal that I was toggling with off and on, but by mile 2.5, I had well surpassed her.

Also within mile 2, I met up with a gal who wanted to talk.  Not my favorite thing, but friendly thing to do.  She commented on how fast I walked (when I take a short jogging break), and so we talked for 0.10 of a mile.  She was smaller than me (read: skinnier) and said she had only run on the treadmill, and talked about her goal of doing all 3.1 miles in 32 min.  I asked her "do you realize that's about a 10 -10 1/2  min mile average?  (I didn't want to burst her bubble because it was clear we wouldn't be making it.)  And she said "oh, I didn't realize!"  And I told her it's a good goal to work towards! ;-)

Finally, by mile 2.5 I was feeling pretty good.  I didn't care about my PR because of my crappy day, but I finished strong.  Finish time: 35:19

Had to laugh...I PR'd by 1 SECOND!  My hubby & I had a good laugh over that. 

However, as noted, I didn't sleep very well last night - tossing and turning.  I don't know if it's from the race, or the worries.  I need to start doing yoga at night....or SOMETHING!

My typical post-race picture:
Bib number (with time written on it),
the tshirt and shoes I ran in.

Close up - bib, date, time.  Beat my PR by ONE SECOND!
How do you like them apples? LOL

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