Thursday, April 5, 2012

The past 3 days...

Tuesday and Wednesday (the past two days ) have been my only "spring break."

For the most part, I just had a good time with my hubby and family.  We had really nice weather on Tuesday, and so-so weather on Wednesday, so we took advantage of it!  That's why I was hardly inside - much less on the computer.

Tuesday was mainly outside.  We gardened - put in our 5 blueberry plants, planted seeds, etc.  We had fun in the partially-cloudy weather, and then ended our day at the park where hubby and I took a 2.63 leisurely stroll.  (Yes, I did end up mapping it on Sparkpeople - I wanted to know how far we went!)  But it was LEISURELY!  Hubby has taken "walks" with his ex-wife in the past, and she's left him in the dust so she can get a workout.  I'm sorry, I know that some people like to work out with their spouses, and that's GREAT!  But my husband doesn't want to workout with me, so I wanted him to understand when we take a WALK together, the purpose is to spend time together, walking, talking, etc.  So we did.  It was GREAT!

Yesterday, however, the rains returned and (oh crap), we found a hole in the roof of the garage.  Oh crap...did I say that already?  I really would like to say something stronger...

I had just made a resolve to NOT have 3 jobs this summer. I ENJOY having a day off - much less WITH my husband and family.  I can't keep killing myself, especially for money, and it's my lack of faith that God will provide.  So I'm feeling TESTED.  I need to keep the faith that we'll have the $500-$600 to fix the roof of the garage, and that I don't need to continue with 3 jobs to do it.

So at the end of the day, the SK back to their mom's house, my two kids at friends' houses, it's just my hubby and me.  He asks..."wanna go out for dinner?"  I coulda throttled him!  I told him: "AFTER we pay for the roof."  I think our lunches and dinners out - and date nights as well - are on hold until AFTER the roof is fixed.  *sigh*

However, I didn't track my food, but I know I did ok.  No snacking, 3 small meals each day...and a walk thrown in there for good measure.  Back on the saddle tomorrow!

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