Sunday, April 1, 2012

Starting Again...Numbers

Just because I'm a numbers-kind-of-girl, I want to show why I'm not starting "over," but since I'm starting "AGAIN," it's still good to take a look at ALL the numbers, not just the number on the scale (which is an all-time bummer number usually).

90 Days ago:                               Day 1 of "Starting Again":

Weight: 194.4                             Weight:  187.6
% body fat: 42%                         % of body fat: 41.4
BMI: 33.4                                    BMI: 32.2 (next goal: 29. Gets me out of the "obese" classification)

Measurements:                              Measurements:
Neck: 13.5                                  Neck: 13.5
Chest: 41.5                                 Chest: 40.75
Waist: 38                                    Waist: 37
Hips: 46                                      Hips: 45.5
Thigh (L): 27                              Thigh (L): 26
Thigh (R): 27.5                           Thigh (R): 26.75
Calf (L): 16.5                              Calf (L): 16.25
Calf (R): 17                                Calf (R): 17
Arm (L): 14.5                             Arm (L): 14.5
Arm (R): 14.5                            Arm (R): 14

In the past 90-ish days, I've lost (more than) 6.8 lbs. (The reason why I've lost "more" is because at one point in time, I was up to 198 lbs.!)  And I've lost 4.75 inches.

My endurance (primarily jogging/running) is much better!  I've been able to make "the right choice" 80 % of the time, and my portion sizes are MUCH SMALLER.  I'm thinking about what I'm eating. 

I've also had soda only ONCE this calendar year (2012), and I stay away from artificial flavors, sweetners, etc.  I drink a TON of water, and pee a TON.  (What goes in, must come out after all!)

90 days ago (January 2012):                                                                                       Today - April 2012:

90 days ago (January 2012):                                                              Today - April 2012:

I don't see much in the way of changes here, but then again, I'm my worst critic.  Next 90 days, though...WATCH OUT!  I'm on fire! :)

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