Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Days 20 & 21A - Holy Hot Sunday & Monday!

Good thing I got out early on Sunday - it was a scorcher!  It went from spring to SUMMER!  Some would say that's good, but I don't do well in the heat....AT ALL. :-(

Bridge to bridge (plus some): 5.12 miles, 1 hr, 681 calories (getting a bit faster!!!)

Monday was my usual day off.  I'm not sleeping well (heat on top of my normal lack of sleeping well), and my classroom is a SAUNA!  I may not be working out, but I'm certainly SWEATING! 

The best news of the day: I won two tickets (actually FOUR) to Mark Gungor!  He's known for "Laugh your way to a better Marriage."  I won 2 tickets to this weekend in Spokane, and then I realized that there's NO way I could go (I've got that 10k, working at the bible bookstore, and Dan has a lot of people off at his work right now).  So I quickly put in for the other contest location - in Tri-Cities and WON BOTH!  I gave this weekend's tickets to my friend Sally, and next weekend hubby & I were both able to get off.  We're going to see Mark Gungor! :)


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