Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 4A, 5A & 6A I am, back in the saddle again.  Honest. Here we go...


Treadmill - 1 hr, 36 min, 927 calories

Treadmill - 1 hr., 14 min., 629calories (before work!)

Treadmill - 49 min., 410 calories (before church!)

Honestly, I haven't been tracking my food - I am just not finding the time to get on the computer and do it!  But I know I'm making good choices - I weighed in today at 188 lbs still, but 39% body fat (down 2 percent)!  AND - for Easter Sunday I fit into a size 12 dress!  (I was pushing a size 16 dress at the beginning of the year.)  I still think it's mis-sized, but I had the size 14 at first, and had to take it back! 

AND - NO Easter candy!  The kids got 1 chocolate bunny each, and it left me with no temptations!  Yay!  Overall, a GREAT end to my spring break!

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