Sunday, April 1, 2012

Starting AGAIN - Day 1

Why "Starting AGAIN" vs. "Starting OVER?"  Because I'm NOT starting OVER.  I'm not where I was 86+ days ago.  I'm not where I wanted to be at day 86, but I'm not where I was at Day 1 either. I'm starting AGAIN....

And so far, it's a good start.  Why not start tomorrow?  Why not start on Monday? 

My question is.... Why NOT today?

Every time I start "tomorrow" or "Monday," that gives me time to binge, not work out, etc.  I oftentimes wonder what new contestants do once they find out they've been selected for the show: do they start on their journey that minute?  Or do they pig out and wait for that first weigh in to be a doozy?  Well, not only is this not the Biggest Loser (which I DO love), but this is real life and I'm constantly on this journey.  So I choose to "start again" daily, choice by choice, minute by minute.

However, today marks "Day 1" for a reason.  I am putting my priorities back into place.  I started today with my devotionals - as I should.  I worked out already this morning - as I should.  And later, I'm going to spend time with my children after work.  Granted, it's going to be while grocery shopping, but WHY NOT?  (And yes, hubby fits in there too, but he's working late tonight.)

Treadmill - 48 minutes, 428 calories

I expected this workout to be "eh."  After all, it's been over a week since I've done anything resembling a "workout."  But for the first part, it was ok!  Not stellar, but not bad either.  Actually felt really good to get back into things again. 

I would have liked to gone OUT for a run, but I needed to fit in what I could - I still have a house to take care of and 6 hours at work today.  So my goal with "starting AGAIN" is to aim for at least 10 minutes a day.  More, if I can.  Why 10 minutes?  Because it sounds so SMALL (ie "reasonable") and it works with my Tony Horton 10-Minute Trainers.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1801

Ouch not a very good start to day one (calorie-wise).  And no excuses; I was craving Taco Bell.  I should have just eaten what I had packed. 

On a brighter note, I got to try the new Tropical Shakeology.  Oh my gosh!  My favorite yet!  I love it!

On another bright note, at work today I met another SparkPeople person, Sheree.  It's nice to meet a local that has similar health goals.  She's an RN in the area, and we have kids the same age (and a Christian)!  So maybe we can get together, encourage each other on and work towards our goals together.  I bet she'd LOVE shakeology... hmmm....

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