Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 9A - Wednesday

Once again woke up with a sensitive stomach, and  I've been exhausted.  There's a lot of stress going on at job #1/#3.  So much that #3 (daycare managing) is totally interfering with teaching (job #1).  I had to talk with my boss yesterday about it, and told her that in no uncertain terms this can NOT continue!  She agreed - no shock, 2 of her kids are in my class! - but I'm serious!  I can't keep doing 2 jobs within the timespan it usually takes me to do one job WELL. 

So I think the stress is eating away at me, and I'm trying to soak up every sleeping minute I can.

Stress at home is fine!  The Princess is behaving well (it IS her bday on Thursday...does that have something to do with it??) and the weather has been great so we've been spending a lot of time outside planting, gardening, etc.  Hubby even put up a clothesline for this cheap-wad woman(!) and I got to put out my first load yesterday!  So life at home has been pretty good, with the exception of workouts.  At least I'm outside and MOVING, though....


Well, today was a pretty good day at work!  Although my boss is still "playing" with the employee's schedules (driving us all NUTS!), the staff is mellowing out a bit and things are just starting to "flow..."  FINALLY!  However, I'm sure it's short lived...

The sun was shining today (which was odd - we were expecting thundershowers), so I got a bit of Vitamin D and I think that helped to mellow me out too...and my period started.  (Sorry if that's TMI.)  The first day I'm usually in a daze...

So it's a blah day around here for this ol' girl.  Tomorrow is the Princess' 14th bday, and I wonder what that is going to bring.  Luckily (?) for me, I have to work at job #2 tomorrow until 6, and so I'm urging hubby to go ahead with the party without me.  It's not like she cares if I'm there anyway - she gets the presents whether I'm there or not! :)  And I've already prepped her bday cake (her choice: strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting) and my asparagus.  She's mostly excited that her daddy is grilling her steak.  (Again, her bday dinner choice.)  But since it's not one of our normal visitation days, they are only at the house for a limited time.  That's ok with me - I'll miss most of the drama, I think. (I hope!) :)  Actually, she's been pretty good this week.  Only minor snarky things here and there.  I think it's really helped that my daughter (a huge source of irritation for the Princess) has been out of the house after school playing with friends.  A win-win for all!

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