Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 8A - Tuesday

Ok...set my alarm for good intentions for working out today...middle of the night, change of plans.  I think I food poisioned myself!  (Just know how people ask what restaurant that happened do you say, "Oh no, it was all at home!  I food poinsioned myself!"  Urg - just great...)

We had leftovers for dinner last night, and it was either food poisioning or something did NOT agree with me the 2nd time around - bloated, gas, you name it!  I went to bed before hubby (he was watching a Lonesome Dove marathon), and that NEVER happens!  And I'm so sorry Biggest Loser, you may have people puking on the treadmill and LOVIN' it!  But that's NOT how this girl rolls!  (Isn't that just a whole new form of anorexia??? PUKING WHILE WORKING OUT?!?! Wow...)  So with a slightly sensitive stomach today, I slept while I could.

However, to just stir up the stomach-pot, I AM doing something semi-new today...I'm adding flaxseed to my oatmeal today!  While I was at Costco getting my eye exam, hubby texted over a list (luckily, without a cart, it was a SMALL list...well, small for Costco...) and I saw the flaxseed. I used to put flax in my smoothies and oatmeal before, and I don't know why I stopped???  So I'm going to be adding that today to get some Omega 3's and a bit more protein in that oatmeal.

I was just updating some stuff on my page.  And I found a photo that I haven't seen in a LONG time...

2008 at 213 lbs.
Oh my gosh, this is WHY I HATE having my pictures taken, but honestly why I need to.  Looking back on this I see such an unhappy person that was really struggling with herself.  This was 3-4 years ago - not only just yesterday, but also a LIFETIME ago...  Or at least it FEELS that way.  I remember those capris - they BARELY fit in this picture, but I've since then thrown them away because they slide right off.  They were size 18/20, and this was my low point - when I knew I couldn't just live this way anymore.  Nothing fit, I felt GROSS, and I HAD to take a picture because I didn't SEE myself like this.  Urg...I have to scroll my screen up because I just can't look at it anymore...

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