Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 2A (Day 2 Again)

Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred: 36 minutes, 328 calories
Treadmill walk: 2.1 miles in 35 min.  40 min total (with cooldown and stretching), 366 calories

I think it's really interesting that the treadmill "walk" and JM 30DS workouts were almost the same, calorie vs. calorie.  However, I like the 30 DS because it's 3 min. of strength training, 2 min cardio and 1 min of abs all in 3 circuits.  So although it's not as INTENSE with cardio, I know (espeically as a runner) I need to amp up my core and ST workouts.  This is one way to do it.  And my upper body is SO WEAK! Oi!  Oh my gosh!  I think I need to sneak in some push ups here and there during the day! Although I WILL say that I can NOW do 3 "regular" push ups (ie not on my knees) whereas I couldn't do ANY before!  Yay me!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: ??

Still having a hard time FINDING the time to track.... Will try to do better tomorrow...

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