Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 13A - Sunday - CLEANSE DAY 3

I just have to say that I'm FULL of it (!) today!  (It meaning energy...OF COURSE!)  I woke up feeling GREAT and got a 5+mile run in BEFORE CHURCH!  I'm feeling GREAT!   This cleanse is killing my sugar/white flour cravings, and I LOVE that!  I'm bummed that I had to put a bit of ground beef on my salad last night (instead of white meat), but it was a must for 7:30pm last night, and my cupboards were BARE.  But today is grocery shopping day, and I'm going to pick up some more chicken, fish, etc.  Now that the spring weather is staying pretty consistant (decent), I'm really craving LIGHT meals, and this Shakeology cleanse is going GREAT with that.  I just can't rave enough about it!  I think I need to do this at least once a month???  Not sure... 

Pre-Workout: E2, apple cider vinegar, Vit-C packet, metamucil and Gatorade on the run. (Anything over 3 miles I put in electrolytes.)

Breakfast: Tropical Shakeology with strawberries, 1/2 scoop of Van. Whey protein, green tea, ice & water

AM Snack:  none - was at church

Lunch: Chocolate Shakeology with 1/2 scoop of Whey Protein, water, coffee & ice.  (It was like a healthy frappacino!) lol

PM Snack:  almonds (needed a boost) and a few grapes

Dinner: well, consider the cleanse done...Hubby took me out on a short date night.  We had Chinese.  Although honestly, about 1/2 way through it, I started feeling sick!  I don't know if it was because I wasn't used to eating like THAT for the last 2 days, or what?!?!?

5.18 miles, 735 calories (booh-yah!), 68 minutes (with cool down).
P.S. coulda gone for so much more, but I had to get back home and get ready for church.  I am going to ROCK the Twilight 5k on the 20th, and so ready for the 10k on the 28th! WAHOO!

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