Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 14A - Monday

I'm exhausted - I've been up since 2am.  I am one of those people who have serious sleep issues.  I don't have any problems GETTING to sleep, but staying asleep is a different story.  It never fails - between 2-3am I wake up...usually with stuff on my mind...and can't get back to sleep.  After our short date night last night, my hubby tried to talk me into a movie, and I just couldn't - I was tired already.  And usually I take an over-the-counter sleep med, and that REALLY helps.  But as I was laying in bed (hubby already snoring), I thought..."oops - I forgot my sleep med."  But thinking because I've been really active, I've had a lot of fresh air lately, and I was already tired, I would probably sleep through the night - no prob, right??


2am came, my eyes opened.  I tried to read, I took Melatonin (which never works, but I thought I'd try anyway), and so when about 4:50 showed up on the clock, I figured I might as well make the most of it and at least do something resembling a workout....  But I'm wiped, no energy, but at least I walked on the treadmill.  Just a bit of speed walking, nothing too over-the-top.  At least I pushed "go."

Workout (if you could call it that):
57 minutes, 445 calories


Well, the day got worse before it got better. 

I just couldn't function at work - I couldn't focus, and when I don't get enough sleep I have that "I really gotta puke, but can't" feeling in my gut.  So I went home at lunch.

Hubby apparently didn't understand that I was coming home early because I didn't feel good!  He took me out to lunch (aw) and I about fell asleep at the table.  Then he took me home (finally!) and tucked me into bed.  He layed with me for a bit until the kids started coming home.  I think spending that little extra time with him was almost as beneficial as the sleep.

I slept for 3 hours!  When I woke up I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to sleep that night, but I felt SO much better! So we ended up staying up a bit late so that I could finally sleep.  But I didn't take any chances...I made sure to take that OTC sleeping aid! :)

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