Saturday, March 31, 2012

Starting over...looking back AND looking forward...

I'm frustrated with my current life situation, and something needs to change.

Right now I'm juggling 3 jobs which I promised myself I would never do again once I became a teacher, I'm barely being a mom and slightly more of a wife than a mom.  I'm never home, and even when I am HOME, I'm not "here."   I'm either on the computer doing work, or my mind is on work.  WHY?  Why did I volunteer for this?

JOB #1 - Teacher:  This position is a private school job.  I get paid about 1/3 of what I got as a public school teacher, which leads me to feel GUILTY that I'm not financially pulling my weight.  Also, this job ends June 8th (with the school year), as does my pay.  (Public school teachers have their salary stretched across all 12 months, mine does not.)

JOB #2 - Retail clerk at the local bible bookstore - Ok, I have to admit, I LOVE this job!  NOTHING to take home - when I clock out, I am DONE!  The pay is slightly above minimum wage, and I love working with people.  The hours currently are ok - I work when hubby is at work except a couple hours on Thurs. pm he beats me home (which he's not happy about).  But I got this job in preparation for summer when I needed a job.  Any hours I was getting right now was supposed to be padding our savings account for the summer, but a recent oversight in our checking account just whiped out the couple of hundred I had (so-far) saved up. Crap.

JOB #3 - Daycare Manager - Our private school was conjoined to a daycare, both owned by my boss (principal).  She was selling the daycare (too much stress), and the new owner hired me for 5 hrs a wk to do the schedule, menus and just check in since I was teaching on sight.  The "new owner" bowed out of the deal this past week, and now my boss-boss wants to keep me on...but I'm doing so much MORE than just 5 hours.  And this was also to be worked into the summer.  The stress is already killing me: will she keep the daycare, or close the doors?  What about the summer program?  Staffing concerns? etc., etc.  I honestly want OUT of this job: I don't get paid enough for the stress of managing.  But I need the income...

Why is all of this included in my HEALTH blog?  Because STRESS is a #1 killer among women.  All of us type-A, kick-ass and take name later women are killing ourselves.  Not only do I not have time for my family (my #1 priority), but I don't have time for myself, to eat healthy or workout.


I need a change.

First, I have to remember to rely on my Lord, Jesus Christ to bring me through this: lean on Him.  He will give me His PEACE, and HE will provide.  I need to pray about what direction He wants me to go in.  I don't believe it's His will to have me be so stressed out and stretched from one end to another, and ignore the basic needs of my family.

What now?  Well, I'm going to get off this blasted computer and do what I need to do for me right now: go for a run.... be continued...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 86 - trying to find "normal" again...

Oh my gosh, can this week just start OVER?  Nevermind...I'd rather fast forward....

My life has NOT been focused on weight loss AT ALL.  On Monday I accepted Job #3.  Which at this time was simply to start taking over a management position at the day care that is next door to the school I teach at.  I was supposed to work about 5 hrs a week - mostly just going over to the center, checking on things, making staff schedules and lunch/snack menus.  No big deal, right?  Once again, it's in preparation for summer when my full time teaching job is done, and I'm in need of income.  By June the boss planned to have me on full time as manager.

Well, that all sounded fine...I was busy prepping for the staff meeting that was to be today (to announce the change), when the boss dropped the bomb on my principal:  she's no longer going to buy the daycare from her (the school owner).  My boss/boss (principal) is DEVISTATED.  She was so tired of all these "hats" she was wearing, and was looking forward to just having a normal teacher-like summer.  Now she has to deal with all this, and because I stepped into this role this week, I'm literally stepping in "IT."  This is no longer going to be 5-ish simple hours.  I've got to basically "sell" the idea back to my boss to continue this thing through. 

However, my first thought (when she considered closing the doors when the school year ended) was actually relief!  Managing a daycare is NOT what I really want to do - been there, done that!  The stress is super-crazy!  I frankly took the job because we need the income - I can't be without full time work in the summer, and I know my little retail position at the Christian bookstore won't be enough.

I just have to keep looking to God and pray that he gives me peace from the stress, and the strength to lean on Him.

Speaking of's killing me again.  And if I let it, it's going to continue to affect me not only at work, but follow me home.  I can't let it.  My husband just stared at me while I was on the phone most of the evening, and tried to be of comfort.  Exercise is non-existant because I'm so exhausted, and eating is sporatic at times, and not carefully planned.

Something needs to change....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 85 - back from our SHORT vacation!

Me, my hubby Dan and his son Matt
At Olive Garden.  Hubby and I shared a meal yay for both of us!

Oh my GOSH I am SOOOOO tired today!  And today is NOT the day to be tired!  It's a busy week - the week before spring break, and I have report cards to get out, my son has 2 track meets AND a band concert tomorrow, and I think I'm getting Job #3 today.... *sigh* 

Can I go back to bed?

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1130
Hubby and I - at the site where we took our "first pictures" about a year ago.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 83 & 84 - going to TC to see Tim Hawkins!

Day 83

Well, per Stacey-usual, I can't sleep!  Hubby and I stayed up late to watch a movie together, and I thought FOR SURE that would make me tired enough to allow me to sleep a full night without a sleep aid.


Not only did I have a hard time FALLING asleep, but at 4am, my eyes opened, and that was that.  When I have a lot on my mind, (which, frankly is most of the time), I have a hard time sleeping, it's nuts.  I just can't shut my brain off!  So since we're leaving for TC today, I thought I'd post yesterday's blog, check email, do a few household chores before we rolled out of town.  *sigh*  I guess it's good that I got up.

Today we're heading to my hometown.  I'm excited, but at the same time, I'm worried we're going to try to shove too much into 2 days worth.  So many family wants to see us - we were JUST THERE about 1.5 months ago!  But I guess that's a good problem to have.  It's going to feel odd to be in my hometown and not staying with family.  For the first time EVER - I'm staying in a HOTEL in my hometown.  Partly because it's not just me, hubby & my kids.  We were planning to take both of Dan's kids as well, but the Princess "opted out."  (We always give our kids the chance to "opt-out" of some family situations.  The Princess felt as if she couldn't behave herself for these two days.  So sad, really.  She's going to be missing out!  But frankly, we don't want to deal with her attitude, so - secretly - I'm a bit glad she did.)  So it's more people going, and we wanted to get a hotel with bfast and a pool (for children-entertainment purposes).  This crew can EAT, so getting a "free" bfast is a money saver for us!

Anyway, we're going for the purpose to see Tim Hawkins.  He's a Christian comedian, and frankly, even if you're NOT a Christian, he's HILLARIOUS!  Check him out on YouTube or  I can't wait to see him LIVE tonight!  I'm also hoping that he has a new DVD we'll be able to buy and bring home.

But my nervousness is about the food.  (ALWAYS, THE FOOD!)

My husband is PUMPED because TC has restaurants that we don't have here at home: Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, Red Robin, etc.  We don't have the time (or money!) to try them all, but I know he's excited.  I'm SCARED!  At home I can control what is IN my food, AND the portions!  I want to be able to LIVE but not OVERDO.

Day 84

The concert was AWESOME!  I had a great time with family, and even got to bring a friend from our old youth group with us.  We had such a good time!

We got to visit a lot of family as well - my mom's sister, my dad's brother & his wife and my brother and his family.  The only person we really didn't get to see that we normally do is my dad.  Apparently, he's been really battling a lot with his diabetes, and I have a cold, so he was afraid of catching it and sending his blood sugar out of whack.  I guess he's been really having a hard time lately with that.  I'm not so sure that's the FULL story, but it kept us from meeting up.

Anyway, so we've been up late the last 2 nights, and I'm exhausted.  My hubby bought me the new nook tablet, and I'm so appreciative of it!  I'm already getting frustrated with it, so I'm not so sure how much I love it just yet....  I already had a first generation nook (e-reader), and I love my (original) nook, but I'm used to iTouch applications as far as a tablet/itouch goes, so we'll see.

That's it for now - more to come later, I'm sure.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 82

Treadmill: 1 hr, 47 min., 980 calories (WOW! - That shocks even me!)

I hit my miles per week goal (goal: 12, I've done 13) as well as number of minutes.  But I'm 200 calories short of the amount I want to burn for the week.  I'm hoping that I get an opportunity tomorrow to do something, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I can't. 

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed:  1437

He knows that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Red Lobster's coconut shrimp.  LOVE it!  But however much shrimp is good for you, the way they make their all-too-famous dish is NOT.  It's fried.  Just leave it at that.  So anyway, he's been searching for a recipe makeover, and he FOUND ONE!  Oh my gosh, it was SO good!  I will admit, it wasn't quite the same, but frankly, it was good enough NOT to care!   And yes, I completely overdid it!  I ate 10 of those buggers!  But I stayed in range for calories and said "no thanks" to the coffeecake later that night.  How's THAT for livin'?

Recipe for Coconut Shrimp (baked) can be found here: Oven-Baked Coconut Shrimp

I don't know what's been going on with my body lately, but I've been weighing myself every day, and over the last 4 days I've been losing an average of a lb. every 2 days.  Granted, it's only been 4 days total, but that's more weight lost in the last 4 days than I've lost in WEEKS! 

I'm hoping that with trying to manage my stress, regular workouts and watching my intake (gee, aren't those the 3 keys to weight loss???) I'll continue to lose.  Probably not always at this pace, although that would be nice!

The only thing that I can think of that I've been doing "differently" is actually apple cider vinegar.  Ok, sounds a little hokey, but I've been told about all the "wonderful properties" of acv.  I know it really helps in the bath to sooth muscles (pulls out the lactic acid), and it was suggested to my hubby for his stomach problems.  Well, he tried it once, and never did it again!  (It does taste like vinegar - duh - and it "burnt" going down for him....)  I put it in my "morning drink" each day.  I have a 10 oz bottle that I put in a pack of vitamin C (Emergen-C, 1000mg), a tsp of metamuscil (I don't get enough fiber), and 1-2 TB of acv.  Maybe it's doing the trick?  I dunno, but I'm going to keep on doing it - I'm down another .3 lbs just from yesterday!  If it's not broken, don't fix it!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 81

Over the past 3 months, I've lost 10 lbs! YAY! :)

Treadmill, 44 min, 420 calories

Yay! Got a workout in today, and I know that I'll get one in tomorrow, but most likely not Saturday. Tomorrow I'm off of school (conferences), and we're heading to Tri-Cities for the weekend.  We're going to see Tim Hawkins (a comedian) and since it's a (most of the) family trip, I'm not so sure that I will be working out like I usually do on the weekends.  In fact, this is the first time (in a LONG time) that my husband has taken the weekend off, and since I've started job #2, I don't get "weekends" off anymore.  So I'm pretty pumped!

So....if I seem a little "quiet" for the next two days, just know that I'm livin' life! :)  Still trying to work off calories (yes, the hotel has a gym and a pool!) and I'll try to track, but my iPod touch is acting up, and I'm not so sure that I'll be able to track away from a computer.  (Technology is good, but when it doesn't work, it truly leaves people up in arms!)  But I'm vowing to make good choices.  My husband is all pumped up about the eating-out choices that we'll have in the TC that we don't have here at home.  And that's good - I can LIVE! But that doesn't mean I need to over do it either.  Just a BITE or a SAMPLE is good for me.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1078

I hadn't purposely tried to go under calories for today.  We were just having a hard time fitting in dinner.  I sent my kids to the fridge for leftovers (so they wouldn't be in the house while we're gone), and hubby was doing some work on my car.  I was getting some stuff done after working job #1 AND job #2, and the next thing we knew, we looked at the clock and OH CRAP! It's 7:30!  (Hubby has to be in bed by 8 on nights that he has to wake up at 3 the next morning.)  He didn't want food settling on his stomach while sleeping, and I know I NEEDED to eat, but since my cold is trying to come back (my fault; didn't finish the antibiodic), I just grabbed a glass of milk with my meds and went on with the evening!  Oh well! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 80

As I just wrapped up my Day 79 blog, I reported that I couldn't track yesterday's food because my beloved is down (for some reason??)!!!! Oh no!  So I'm hoping it's up later today so that I can track today's food.

I didn't sleep well today, so I didn't get up an exercise.  Although, looking back, I should have just got up anyway - I only tossed and turned that last hour.  But sleep is something very important to me!  And not just because I like it! (lol)  But in someways, I am an insomniac...  I have a hard time getting to sleep and STAYING asleep.  Yes, I do all the right things: regular exercise, stay away from caffiene, no screens/bright lights before bed, etc.  But if I have a lot on my mind...forget it.  I'm almost doomed.  And yes, I take an OTC sleeping pill.  I've tried it all: melatonin, valerian, etc.  But nothing works on a regular basis.


SIGH - my husband is so sweet, and can read me like a book!  I've been under a lot of stress lately, and I was a sentimental goof and tried to mark the 1 year anniversary of our engagement.  (It ended up being not a very good "anniversary" - we had some mixed signals, etc. Long story.)  So today he came to work with a dozen roses.  I joked with him about "what did you do?" and he was just very solomn and said he just wanted to let me know he loves me.  (Which really was sweet because on said-anniversary he remembered to have me run by the store for a rose for the Princess since she had a choir concert that night...but no flower for the wife....ouch.  Way to make up for that, honey!)  And yes, he did it all on his own without any hinting!  Also, he made me THREE sushi rolls!  (He's getting QUITE good at this!  All three rolls were different, but the one he presented to me tonight had tuna, shrimp, crab meat, avocado, cucumber, wasabi and a bit of cream cheese.  (With nori and rice too, of course.)  I can't bare to tell him that although I love sushi, I like it once in a blue moon!  Now I have 2 sushi rolls to eat before we leave out of town on Saturday morning! Oi!  But he did it out of love, and I truly appreciate that from him. 

On a side note, he made steak and mashed potatoes (from a box - blech!) for everyone else.  I will say, I was kinda jealous about the steak!  But I got a sample-bite to appease my curiosity! :) lol

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: ??? Didn't get everything in!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 79

Treadmill - 33 min., 318 calories

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: ???

Well, conferences are KILLING me!  I'm not used to having them this early, and so prepping for them has been brutal.  I don't have a FULL classroom, but nonetheless, having 2 jobs, children in sports, and life is just a bit overwhelming.

Anyway, I went to input my food intake for yesterday, and my beloved is down!  I don't know what's going on, but I tried to log in this morning to track for yesterday If you haven't noticed, the reason why my blog gets posted in the morning is because I actually update it before I go to work for the day before.   I try to write as if it were THAT day (*snicker*), but right now it's TECHNICALLY Day 80 in the early AM and I am trying to input everything for Day 79.

Anyhow....  So I can't give an account by calories, but I know I did well.  Here's a brief overview of my food intake yesterday:

Pre-workout: E2, metamucil (daily, typical stuff)
Breakfast: Shakeology with Almond milk
AM Snack: Wheat thins with light cream cheese
Lunch: Thai House with hubby.  4 coconut prawns, 1/4 c of thai noodles and 1/2 cup of cashew chicken.  (So proud of myself for not gorging!)
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Shakeology with almond milk (again)

I was NOT planning to have 2 shakeology meals yesterday, but it was the Princess' turn to cook dinner, and one of her FAVORITE meals is biscuits with gravy. 

Ok folks, this is not just ANY biscuits and gravy, but she makes it with bacon grease (yes, that she stores in the fridge....WAY in the back so I don't have to see it!) and a ton of salt, flour, and butter.  I just could NOT do it.  Yes, I was hungry, and yes I probably should have had a bite or two, but there was just no way I could do it.  Part of it is that I (frankly) do not like biscuits and gravy.  And frankly, if I don't like it AND it's not good for me, WHY EAT IT?!?!?  (And p.s. The Princess wasn't offended - she just said "more for me!" and had a total of 3 helpings. Yep, that's a child covering her feelings in food, that's for sure!)

...personal note...

Ok...if you've read any of my other blog posts about "the princess" you already know that there's a lack of fuzzy feelings between me and my step daughter.  That's no secret.  However, as I told my husband yesterday at lunch, this really DOES bother me. 


Because God has so richly allowed me to use my "life mistakes" to help others.  I was an unwed mother at 20.  I married for the wrong reasons the first time....and all these things I've been able to turn around and help counsel other youth because of it.  I've BEEN THERE!  I HAVE THE T-SHIRT!  (And no, you don't want to borrow it!)  But with my SD, I see so much of myself as a teenager in her.  The hurt (for different reasons), the rebellion, the pushing those away who love you (and want to help you), and lastly: turning to food for comfort.

Food is "always there."  It was always there for me when times were tough, and it NEVER disappointed me!  Cheesecake still always tasted great!  Burgers were always yummy....until the guilt set in. 

I want to so badly help her.  But since she despises me the most, I can't find a way to get through to her, and that truly does hurt my heart.

I want to show her how to take her favorites (like biscuits and gravy) and turn it into a small SIDE DISH and make it healthier, and add wonderful, fiberous fruit along with it!  (Still allowing it to be "breakfast dinner.")  That way she can have a TASTE, but not gorge on it. 

I pray that someday I can actually be a mentor instead of an enemy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 78

Ok...didn't do so hot tracking yesterday.  Started out well (with good intentions), but didn't get much past AM snack.  NUTS!  So today, I VOW to do better.  I've just packed my lunch for work today and I'm already going to put it into my tracker. YES - success already!  Now I just have to make sure that's what I actually eat...right???

This week is going to be a stressful week.  First of all on the #1 job front - it's conferences.  And because of job #2, that makes it very complicated as to when I can meet with parents (as in only Mon-Wed afternoons).  That could either be a good thing, or a bad thing.  We don't know the current visiting status of the Princess for this week.  There was a HUGE blow up last week, and dad (aka hubby) sent her off packing to her mom's house because of her crappy attitude.  To our GREAT surprise, there has been no communication about what to expect this week.... should be interesting....


Well, the Princess arrived on scene, and I will delightfully say it's been "normal."  Still annoying, but "normal."  I think she's minding her p's and q's because she knows dad will send her packing again.

I will say, though, that through conferences and all, I've been slacking.  Life is "getting in the way."  I didn't track today, and Monday has typically been my "off" workout day. 

Tomorrow's a new day...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 77 - Day of rest? Not for this girl!

I don't know why I'm on the computer right now, I have such a long "to do" list, it's not even funny!  You know you have a problem when you wake up at 5am (on a SUNDAY!) and think... "man, I wonder if I can get my Wal-Mart shopping done before the kids get up."  REALLY?!?!  That, my friends, is a problem....

WHY do I have such a problem?  Well, it's called "SECOND JOB" syndrome.  It means that although you're getting paid for doing services at another business, the job that you DON'T get paid for (ie job of "mom" and job of "wife") suffer.  That's not my intent.  In fact, I wasn't really looking for a lot of hours from this second job...I was just trying to get a jump start on getting a SUMMER JOB.  (We live in a town HIGHLY populated by college kids - we live near LCSC, and close to Moscow, ID and Pullman, WA.)  So I was thinking that looking for a summer job in the SPRING was a good idea....until I got OVERLY blessed with lots of hours.

So now, my "day of rest" (which, frankly, never really was a day of rest), is now even less rest-full.


So....I started out really good with tracking...and then the speed of light happened!  (As in...I was doing so much all at once, I felt like I was moving at the speed of light....does that count for a workout?!?!?) lol...  So I don't have my tracking stats.  But I did get a run in.

3.26 miles, 460 calories

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 76 - First 5k in a LONG time...

Oh good...Lewis and Clark pointing the way! Whew!
St. Patrick's Day 5k Race - Lewiston, Idaho

I was pretty nervous going into this 5k.  It wasn't the distance - I've been doing 5 mile loops lately, and I've done two 1/2 marathons!   But it's been awhile since I've "raced."  I don't know this area very well at all - I've lived here less than a year, and so I'm really glad I went to the race location early (a bit TOO early), but it took me 10 min. to find.  Glad I took a book and just listened to music while I read...helped calm my nerves!

I don't race anyone except myself - my goal for each race is to PR (Personal Record) for that distance, feel good after the race and feel good about what I did.

I can say that I accomplished all 3 goals yesterday.

Pinning on my number in a new spot.
I hate it when the bibs have to be pinned to my gut - so annoying!
Let's just attract MORE attention to my gut-roll, ok?!?!?
First goal: PR  35:20
My previous PR is really slow.  I don't remember the seconds, but I know it was 38 minutes.  That's because I've actually done very few 5k's.  Once I got the 3.1 mile distance "down," I moved on to 10ks, and 1/2 marathons.  So I wanted to do the 5k this time (there was an option for 10k as well) for a couple of reasons: 1 - because I was just getting back into it after a year and a half, and speed is NOT my thing; I need to improve in that area.

Second goal: Feel good AFTER the race
Did I push it TOO hard?  Did I not push ENOUGH?  Did I "jog smart" and not pull anything?  I think it went well, and I ended strong - sprinted to the finish.

Final goal: reflection....could I have done anything differently?
The only "regrets" I had were 2:  #1 - I should have hit the bathroom ONE LAST TIME! (I'm ALWAYS going to the bathroom!) And not because I "really had to go" or that there weren't bathrooms along the way, but it was on my mind a LOT.  And being stubborn (for that PR) I did NOT want to go along the race!  I didn't even go AFTER the race until I got home!  Sheesh!  But it was on my mind.
#2 - I set my Garmin watch up at the starting point, but for whatever reason, I hit the wrong button and didn't realize it until the end of mile 1.  So I had to do some math to figure out what my first mile stats were.  (Not really a big deal - the race was chipped.)
All done! Sweaty, red-faced, but feeling good! :-)

Workout - St. Patrick's Day 5k
3.1 miles, 35:20, 410 calories

#60 overall (not bad for a slo-mo!)
35:20 "official" time

I take this type of picture every race:
My bib number, the t-shirt and the shoes I ran in.
Someday I'll scrapbook them all...maybe....

close up of the bib - I always write my time on it.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1,427

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 75 - back in the saddle...AGAIN?

One thing that I have learned, is that every time you fall, you MUST get back up again.  We learned that as babies trying to walk, kids trying to ride a bike, and even as adults looking for a job. 

However, through the course of learning to walk, ride a bike and job hunting, usually the success of learning is the "end" of the journey!  Well, I've learned that there is no "END" to this journey.  Oh sure, you might attain your goal weight, but from what I understand, maintaining it is harder than getting there in the first place!  And actually, I understand that because right now I'm not pushing myself with exercise, and PMS is making eating choices harder than ever, and I'm HIGHLY sure that I have not maintained my piddly 7 lb loss.  It's a constant struggle.

Is it worth it?

I think so.  I think learning resilience, how to be healthier and modling that for my children is important.  I also learn that I am NOT perfect.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,599  Oh man, JUST over!

I think the PB/Banana sandwich for morning snack put me over!  (Next time I need only a 1/2, not a whole.)  My first 2 days of my perioid are ones that I am HUNGRY all the time!  So I try to make sure I'm hydrated - that it's not a need for water, not food - and know that my body probably needs a few extra calories.


Tomorrow is my 5k race, and I'm really nervous.  It's not the mileage; 3.1 miles isn't much for me anymore (although that wasn't always true)!  I'm nervous because I'm getting BACK into racing, and although I truly only race against MYSELF, it's getting "back on the bike" again.  Of course during a race, you always want to PR (Personal Record), and that's no different.  But let's face it - it's been almost a week since I've exercised, I DO feel better (sinus infection), but the weather is crappy, etc.  And frankly, I don't know the area, and there's no race map.  What if I get lost?!?!? lol  I have to admit, that would be a bit funny....

I just want it to go WELL.  Yes, I want to PR.  I don't want to get sicker (because of the rainy weather), and I want to feel good about myself afterwards.  Is that too much to ask?!?! :-)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 74 - Officially on the mend!

I'm bouncing back from the sinus infection.  Not much sleep again last night, but I can tell the meds are kicking in because I'm not having to blow my nose every 30 min.! Yay! Praise God!

So it's back to the grind for me.  On top of it all, Mother Nature is visiting this week, so I'm sure that's why I"m super tired.  Didn't wake up to work out today.  I don't want to overdo it not only for the cold, but because that 5k IS this weekend - no mistake this time!


Let's just say I didn't track, and I'm actually glad this time because I think the end total would scare me.  And frankly, I'm surprised because I started off really well in the morning with my Shakeology for breakfast.  And when I have my shake, it usually helps with any cravings.  Well, baby....not today!

It was primarily lunch - PMS cravings for grease and ice cream were rough!  I would love to say that I triumphed through it, but I didn't.  No excuses either.  Not "I've worked hard for this," or "I'll work it off."  Nope.  Just healing from infection, hurt feelings from family meetings, rejection, PMS cravings and now this...guilt.  And yes, despite the cravings, it did NOT taste as good as I had hoped.  I guess that's a good thing?

That, and tomorrow's a new day....

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 73 - Dr. day

Alrighty, I think I made an AWESOME effort to get to work!  Despite the snot-filled head, drama from the Princess the night before (meaning: LOTS of stress and NO sleep) and raging headache, I was truly going to go in.  AND - I even MADE it in to work!  I actually TAUGHT for over an hour before I flew up the white flag.  I just couldn't do it anymore.

So, not being from around here, my hubby took me to the "Express Care."  (I'm sorry - the irony of using the word "express" and doctors is a must-mention.)  I come from living in an area where my doctor is a trusted family friend.  He treats my grandmother, my father, and most of the other family members where I'm from.... I've been seeing him since I was 12! (over 2 decades for those of you keeping track)  I don't do "doc-in-a-box" clinics...

So it was strange.  Not only to be GOING to a clinic, but to give out family history and personal information that I have not had to give in a VERY long time!  But kuddos to my honey who was there and with me all the time, and even gallantly turned to the side when I was getting weighed! ;-)  (Told ya he's a keeper!)

Anyway, 1.5 hours later ("express care"...remember that...) we finally went home, vegged in front of the TV watching old movies.

No tracking nutrition.
No workout.

But a day leading in the right direction: towards better health.  And that's the end goal, right? :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 72

Still have a stuffed head...think I'm finally going to concede and head to the dr.
I just want to sleep....still tracked nutrition, though.

On top of the head, had a family meeting and more "Princess drama."  She basically told her dad "choose me or THEM."  nice....

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1,248

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 71 - feeling like I'm on the mend

I know that this head-cold has been the main subject now for almost a week, and I think I'm finally on the mend!

I still tossed and turned last night, but I think Nyquil finally did it's job for the most part.  YAY!

- later -

It's been a busy-crazy day at work, and on top of it, hubby and I had a disagreement. Urg.  I don't need this!  However...through the chocolate bar (PMS), stress and chaos, I'm still within my goal calories.  No workout, but my head is clearning, and I see the possible end of this cold!  whew!  However, I think hubby is catching it....lucky me....

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,245

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 70 - spring weather matches my cold

Well, with Spring sunshine usually comes with a day here and there of rain.  Yep - that'd be today.  Matches how my head feels, lol.

Sunday is usually not my "day of rest," but I'm thinking it might need to be.  With me working this new second job, I now only have Sunday off, and that's the day I need to do grocery shopping, laundry, etc.  I might do an upper body workout (I think that's what I did last week), but with Daylight Savings being today, it's going to have to be AFTER church, and frankly, it's a low priority today.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1459

For the most part, I just did what I HAD to do (i.e. lesson plans for the week, a bit of grocery shopping) and pretty much relaxed the rest of the day.  I'm sure my HR got up a few times - I had to get on the kids for a few things - but I listened to my body and needed a DOWN day.  I NEED to kick this head-cold-sinus-infection thingy.  It's killing me.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Things I've learned thus far...aka "helpful tips"

 Along this journey, I'm learning new stuff about this body that God gave me.  I'm learning about things that I thought I already knew, but didn't apply to myself.  Such as:

- smaller portions REALLY DO fill you up!  Chew slower. Take smaller bites!

- Drink a glass of water before you eat, and inbetween bites (of a snack or meal).  Most of the time, you're just dehydrated, not HUNGRY!

- My body (or any body, for that matter) does not do well when it's not properly hydrated. Period.  From poor eating choices, to dry skin, to feelin' cranky! Not good!

- I'm sorry, but unless you're a true skinny-minnie, you need more than 64 oz. of water. Enough said.

- Artificial flavorings are NOT GOOD.  Do you know what they do to your (my) body?  Make me crave other, nasty stuff!  And the word "ARTIFICIAL" should be enough to scare you. Period.

- Stay away from processed foods.  When I have processed foods after eating relatively "clean," my body revolts.  It's not pretty.  I feel bloated and nasty.

- Eventually, cravings DO subside.  When you give your body 5 min. from the time you crave something, you can usually talk yourself out of it, especially if you drink water within that 5 min.  If you're still craving it after 5 min, you can have it!  But just have a BITE!  1-2 bites can be savored much more than shoving it down your throat in guilt and shame.

- YOU (ME ESPECIALLY!) HAVE TO TRACK YOUR CALORIES!  Even if you "think" you know about how much you're eating, you can easily let it get out of hand.  Too easy to do.

- Yes, you can have sweets!  Yes, you can have dessert!  Yes, you can "live" like a "normal person!" (first, define what "normal" is to you.) But if those sweets/desserts put you over your calorie count, make "room" for it through the week, and/or work it off. 

- Yes, sometimes extra time on the treadmill IS worth that dessert! lol....  And on the other hand, sometimes it's NOT! But THINK IT OVER before you decide.

- There are times when you crave something, and when you eat it, it doesn't taste as good as you thought it would.  At that point, STOP eating it.

- I learned on the biggest loser that when your body craves something, it activates seritonin, which gives you a pleasure feeling.  (This is true for all people.)  However, the "healthy" person can have that something (i.e. hamburger) and receive an additional seretonin secreation.  For the overweight/unhealthy person, it takes 3 TIMES (OR MORE) OF THAT SUBSTANCE TO GET THE SAME FEELING!  This is one of the reasons why overweight people still over-eat.  Because what used to create the "good feeling" in the past isn't the same - 3x more of the food is needed to create the same "good feeling" in the brain.

I probably didn't explain that very well, but if you look up brain research and over-eating, it probably explains it better.

- stay away from High Fructose Corn Syrup. It's truly nasty stuff, and it's in just about EVERYTHING!  (Including my favorite BBQ sad)

- Slower weight loss not only typically STAYS off, but it shows that you're building good, life-long habits along the way; not just a quick fix.

- tired of water?  There are so many different things you can do (including, but not limited to):
   * add a lemon wedge
   * add one of those "water enhancer/flavor" packages (make sure it is ALL NATURAL with no artificial stuff!)
   * make tea - cold or hot!
   * add an orange wedge
   * add ice.  Doesn't change the flavor, but it beats boring, ol' water.

- stress is a LIFE killer - not just a weight-loss killer.  RELAX.  Find SOME WAY to relax - yoga, a good book, a bath, good music. WHATEVER, just do it.  You'll smile more.

- get enough sleep.  Period.  And I mean quality sleep - laying on the couch or bed does NOT count.

- priorities matter.  If family "gets in the way" of your weight loss, your priorities might not be in the right spots.  If family is HINDERING your HEALTH, that's another story.

- track your progress: weight, measurements and endurance.  If all categories are not moving in the "right" direction, celebrate the ones that are! :-)

- if you don't think you can do it - you're right.  But if you think you can - you're usually right too.

Day 69 - had to do it AGAIN!

After such a great walk/jog yesterday on the path I've now dubbed "Bridge to bridge loop," I HAD to do it again!  (Especially since I was a doofus and realized my race was actually NEXT week, and not today.)  I admit, I woke up feeling crappy again - I really do need to get this head cold/sinus infection (?) checked out - and my legs were a bit tight from pushing it yesterday.  But as my friends have said on Facebook "just hit PLAY."  Well, in this case, there's no "play."  But Nike's "Just Do It" motto probably fits a bit better.  So.... I did!

Bridge to bridge loop: 5.06 miles, 65 min (with cool-down), 680 calories.

Tomorrow I need to cross train, or do something that gives my feet a break.  That's almost 10 miles in 2 days!  I'm not used to it, and they say runners should only add 10% mileage (at the most) each week.  So I need to be careful.

I have to share this picture that I found on John "The Penguin" Bingham's Facebook:

I love John Bingham.  He helps me realize that it doesn't matter if I'm slow - if I'm running, I'm a runner.  Doesn't matter if it's a 12 min mile, 10 min mile or 6 min mile.  I'm moving. And moving in the right direction....

On a more personal note...

I just realized this is LOVELY PMS WEEK! Whoot-whoot.  And guess what...??? I'm supposed to start the DAY BEFORE my race.  REALLY?!?  Great timing, Ma-Nature!  Sheesh.  No break here!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1181  (almost!)  This was a completely UNPLANNED UNDER day. 

I started my 2nd job today, and by the time I got home (which was 40 min. late due to customers hanging around, etc), my worn out hubby had already beat me home and showered.  He had a rough day as well, and it wasn't done.  Usually for daylight savings, his work chooses to "activate it" after the weekend shift goes home (i.e. Sunday evening) so that it doesn't affect the 1 hr sleep deficiet for their employees.  Well, the new manager had them "take a vote."  Sheesh.  Stupid people - just an excuse to call in....  Anyway, so he was looking at getting home at 6pm Saturday and getting up at 2am (body time) instead of his normal 3am.  He's also fighting the cold that I so generously shared with him..... He's gonna be grouchy tomorrow.  I have a feeling there's no date night tomorrow....

Anyway, since he was headed to bed, I quickly ate a leftover chicken breast for dinner and headed to bed myself.  Still tossed and turned...this cold can leave ANY TIME, thank you!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 68 - feeling a bit better

Oh my gosh, I'm a GOOBER!

I've been so ramped-up about this 5k this weekend...with my head cold and sore muscles....

...did I mention that this is a St. Patty's 5k? 
...did I mention that St. Patricks day is NEXT week?

Oh my gosh - it's next week.  Not tomorrow.  I'm SO grateful that I checked the website to find out the location and THEN noticed the date.  Would have looked REALLY stupid showing up to a race that's a week away.  Hey, is that opposite of daylight savings?  Instead of being late, I'm just SUPER early?!?!?  Well, luckily, I saved myself from embarrassment...

So anyway, since I took off yesterday due to sore muscles & head cold, I've been itching to get out.  And to top it all off, I've been OFF WORK!  The weather is GORGEOUS (!) and I knew I couldn't stand it - I had to at least go for a WALK!

Well, we're on the ID/WA boarder, and there's a lot of great trails along the snake river. And I've always wondered how far it is from bridge to bridge. Well, guess what? Not only did I find out that it's a 4.5 mile loop, but I JOGGED most of it and felt FAB! Lungs felt a bit heavy the last .5 miles, so that was my cool-down walk. But I feel so good about it! YAY!  The worst part about it: I didn't fuel up for it!  The heat was getting to me a bit (mid 70's), but I was HUNGRY!  (Yes, I ate when I got home.)  I topped it off with an Epsom Salt bath and I'm almost a new girl! 

4.5 miles, 64 min, 631 calories.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1012 calories

I know that I'm WAY under, but I DID get my Shakeology in, and I hadn't planned on exercising.  Having a head cold really diminishes any desire to eat, even for fuel's sake.  But I know I'm on the mend, and if the weather's good again tomorrow, I'm definitely going to do that Bridge loop again...this time, fueled up! :-)

Day 67 - BAD head cold :-(

Day 67 was yesterday, and there was a LOT going on!

First of all, I see God's hand in His Timing.  Here's an example:
- I RARELY EVER get SICK-sick.  And honestly, I'm not really "sick," but I've got a nasty head cold, and the other night (Wed night - Thurs AM) I DID NOT sleep very well at all.  I was all clogged up, didn't have any Nyquil (and wasn't going anywhere at 2am to get any).  So I tried a few home remidies (tea, warm cloth, Netti pot) to try and breathe, and basically snoozed off and on sitting upright through the morning hours. 

Luckily, I was off work.  That's the blessing of God's timing.  Normally with a head cold (sleep or not), I would have trudged through another day of work.  But yesterday and today I have off - giving my body a chance to rest up.

Now, granted, I was still "busy" yesterday. I had an interview at our local Christian bookstore, and got the job!  Just a few part time hours here during the spring, and hopefully more once school is over.  Most teachers don't have to work during the summer, but working for a private school has left us without a summer income.  And we're trying really hard to become debt-free and also still trying to have a few "luxuries" here and there (like we'd like to go to the beach for our first anniversary).  My husband is not happy, but I think he understands.  His ex wife was not a worker - she would flit from job to job, quitting or getting fired.  Rarely ever working full time, yet spending money as if she were.  I'm not that way - I CAN spend just like the next gal!  But we really want to be debt free and have that freedom.  And I'm a worker; always have been, always will be.  Even if I have the luxury of not having to work, I can still see myself working part time.  I enjoy the interaction with working with people. of that bunny trail...

So yesterday at noon my hubby took 1/2 a day off to spend time with me.  I felt a bit guilty - not because he took the time off (apparently all my school days off are typically Fridays, which he works - nuts!), but because I wasn't feeling too hot.  But we had a good lunch - a recipe I got out of my runner's magazine, ran a few errands and just spent time together. 

On top of the head cold, I was moving pretty slow from the lower body workout the day before.  I am SO GLAD that I did it on Wednesday, and not closer to the 5k on Saturday!  I shuffled around like a little old lady!  I think it was the "curtsy move" that did me in.  Not necessarily the move itself, but the 15 lbs I was holding in hand weights, and the facts that I did the move until muscle fatigue!  NOTE TO SELF: STRETCH OUT MORE AFTER WEIGHT TRAINING!!!  Oh my good God in heaven!  I haven't felt like that in YEARS - even after my last 1/2 marathon!  Oops...a little "over done" I think....

But the weather was GORGEOUS(!) so I was feeling a bit guilty about taking an "off day."  Only because of the weather, but I was certainly listening to my body (and God): between the head cold and the sore muscles, I needed time off!  (Update:  today is the same gorgeous weather. I AM feeling better, but not 100%, so I'm planning a good, long walk today.  Not only to help me loosen up the muscles, but to get out and get some natural Vitamin D!)   I am a bit nervous about the 5k this weekend - it's a distance that I'm used to, and I'm glad that I went with that instead of the 10k! (whew!)  And so far, the head cold has NOT moved into my chest.  But I don't like running with a cold OR sore muscles, so I'm planning that walk later today!

However, feeling "ishy" I didn't track my calories.  I KNOW I was under my goal.  I didn't have ANY appetite and only ate to appease my husband, frankly.  And today I'll carb-up for tomorrow's race.  Still have no appetite, but I need the fuel/energy first thing tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 66 - Lower body workout

OI!  I will say that although I don't get QUITE the calorie burn doing weights that I do when I do cardio, I do LOVE that feeling of muscle fatigue and burn!  And let me tell you, I'm FEELIN' it! :-)

Today is my "Friday."  My boss and various co-workers are going to a scrapbook retreat this weekend - I guess that's why it pays to own your own business - to choose when you have days off, right???  Well, I have the next 2 working days off, and my hubby surprised me and is only working 1/2 day tomorrow!  Yay!

Bit of treadmill with lower body exercises: 40 min 382 cals

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1545 Whew! 

We had "spaghetti" night.  The kids had "normal" spaghetti with meat and marinara sauce.  Hubby and I had noodles with seafood mix: squid, imitation crab, shrimp and mussels.  It was very good!  What almost put me over the edge was small french bread with olive tapanade.  YUM! 

Day 65 - found a new dinner to try

Wow, bouncing back from a 2000+ calorie day yesterday, I see that today should really be a Shakeology and salad only day!  I'm hoping to really make that happen!  (wow - I'm still reeling from that!)

I didn't sleep well last night, so I opted to "sleep in."  I also have Thursday and Friday off this week so I know I can really amp up my calorie burn then as well.  But not too much on Friday - I have that 5k on Saturday morning (whoot, whoot)!  I'm pretty stoked about it!

I found out last night that I might not be able to do Bloomsday this year.  I've never done it, and I've always WANTED to!  It's a 12k that is held in Spokane each year.  The reason why I probably can't is because the private school that I work for has a big fundraiser each year, and guess what is going on the night before Bloomsday?   Yep - this fundraiser.  And yes...I really SHOULD be there.  Do I want to?  Not really.  It's drinking, a silent auction, and just not really my thing.  Would rather be in bed awaiting the start of the race the next day.


Hubby and I decide to go out.  We tried a Pizzeria place on the corner that I haven't been to.  I've been watching my calories ALL DAY so that I could offset from yesterday's big blow out.  And going to a pizza-style place...I was worried!

But I had the BEST dinner!  It was a Portabella Mushroom cap (huge!) topped with pesto, greek olives, 3 slices of tomato, feta cheese crumbles and it was GOOD!  Not only that, but low in calories and surprisingly FILLING!  Hubby and I loved it, and vowed to try and make it at home.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,234 Whew!  If I wouldn't have had that popcorn in the end, I would have been 240 cals UNDER!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 64

I'm actually pretty proud of myself this morning...

At 5:00am the alarm went off (as normal, Mon-Fri).  And as "Monday-normal" I reset it for 6am.  But I forgot to turn off the 5:10am "reminder" alarm.  So when it went off, I GOT UP!  (Okay, sounds hokey, but with a warm, snuggily hubby in bed after you really don't see him all weekend, it's really hard to roll out of bed!)

It really helped that I have a 5k this weekend.  I wanted to get some speed drills in before the race (I'm NOT fast AT ALL), but not so close to the race day.  So I did it!  I did 2 min speed, 1 min recovery for over 30 min. YES!

Treadmill - speed drills: 38 min (with cool down), 396 cals

P.S. I also did the plank move for over a minute!  YAY!  I couldn't even hold it for 30 seconds over a month ago!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 2062

Oh my gosh - I went over by a WHOLE MEAL!  And I thought I actually did "ok!"  But once I input the chili, hot dogs and fritos for dinner....sheesh!  It added up and QUICK!  I'm really glad I tracked it, though - even though I went over because I would have never realized how high in calorie a simple HOT DOG is! sheesh!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 63

Today I've decided to really start incorporating some resistance training.  More muscle burns more calories overall.  I just don't like weight training for a couple of reasons (and frankly, they are wimpy reasons).

#1 - As far as 20 min. weight training vs. 20 min. cardio, less calories are burned in that SPECIFIC amount of time.  My goal is 2100 calories burned a week, and I can get quite a bit done in 20 min.!!!

#2 - I don't feel the "hurt" until usually 24 hrs. later.  And my, oh my, I FEEL it!  Which makes me very sluggish the next day when I get up to work out.

I know...weenie, weenie excuses.  But I know what I need to do, and I'm gonna start doing it.

Day 1 - Upper body
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Lower body
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Yoga

Actually, looking at that, I might switch Day 2 (which is Monday - a hard day for me to motivate) and Day 7 (Saturday) around.  I'll have to be flexible and see.

Upper Body: 22 min, 138 calories
Step Aerobics & stretching: 48 min, 409 cal

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1641

Well, I went over, but I'm back to tracking - even the Panda Express that I ate with hubby for date night!  So that's a step in the right direction.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

(Around) Day 60 photos and reflection

I wasn't going to take Day 60 photos.  I'm just not very motivated to do so, and I don't really expect to see much change - if any.  Days 30 - 60 were very up and down for me.


Normally, during a "diet" or "exercise program" I would have never seen Day 60 and beyond.  I would be discouraged and quit.  That's probably why I've seen the 170's move to the 180's and now sitting in the 190's.  You don't know how excited I will be to be back in the 180's.  That sounds grossly disgusting, but to be out of that 190's - SOOOO CLOSE TO 200 - is scary to me.  It's not good for my body to be there, I already know that.  And so that's why I continue. 

I continue...

... despite the fact I want to quit.
... despite the fact I don't see much change.
... despite the fact that I can't always eat what I want to.
... despite the fact that my body isn't responding like I want it to.

As I said in a Facebook posting, as some people lose weight they don't give up the "fat person mentality."  Well, I actually can't give up my "fit person" mentality.  I still think I'm the strong person I physically once was.  I still look down at my shoes and think that I AM as fit as I used to be.  It isn't until I look at pictures that I get my reality check.  My butt is now a "shelf butt" and there is a muffin top over the edge of my pants.

It's just disgusting.

That's why I avoid pictures.  I don't like reality.
After a workout - yes, this girl can SWEAT! :-)
from the side

Day 61 & 62 - lookin' a bit better

Friday, Day 61:

I woke up this morning resolving to get back in the swing of things despite the desire to hit the snooze.  I DO know I feel better when I've worked out in the morning.  It sets the tone to my day.  I was even ok with just "walking" on the treadmill - as long as I was MOVING!  Well, I did through a few jogs in there - more than I thought I would, so I even surprised myself!

On top of it all, I did the math, and I'm still decently within range of getting my weekly 2,100 calorie burn goal!  Just need a good workout tomorrow! YES!  That feels pretty good.  The goal for the rest of my day: to track my food whether or not the internet is up at work or not.  Hopefully I will achieve that!

Treadmill: 45 min, 402 cal
Recess Walking: 22 min, 122 cal

Saturday, Day 62:

There is SO MUCH pulling at me today!  I have a meeting for work - actually, for a "job" that I don't yet have, but am hoping to gain once that summer is here and I'm not teaching anymore.  And then I need to pick up a cake for my hubby's work and deliever that, and then go to a Demarche at Home party.  (Which I've never been to one, but heard it's like Pampered Chef.)  I think with the food sampling, it's really going to be hard to track...I'm nervous about it.

On top of it all, my SIL and her family are planning to be in town!  They usually come to do shopping, etc. and NEVER call me!  Well, I got the text the night before "we're coming to town!  Wanna get together???"  Of course - the one weekend I have a life!  lol....  So we were able to connect up together in the evening and even stretch it out so that my hubby could join us for dinner.  It was a GREAT day, but a LONG day! 

Turbo Jam Remix (with 1 lb wrist weights): 31 min, 309 calories

I didn't make my weekly calorie goal by less than 100 calories!!!  SERIOUSLY!  I'm bummed about it, but it gives me new resolve.  I'm also adding in some short weight resistance trainings.  I'm glad that I focus on cardio - because it's truly the bulk of what I need, but I know more muscle burns MORE FAT!  And (being optimistic) as I loose this weight, I don't want just saggy skin.  I want muscle to be underneath ready to show!   Am I dreaming too high of dreams?  Hopefully not....

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 60 - trying to throw myself BACK onto the saddle!

I'm mixed.  I know that I need to get back into the saddle, and halfheartedly did that today.

I didn't track my calories - internet is down at work - and I have a hard time writing it all on a sticky and then just transferring it at the end of the day (when life is most hectic). 

BUT - I did go for a walk/laps at mid-recess.  Not much, but more of an effort than the previous couple of days.

Walking at recess: 26 min, 124 cal.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 59 - giving up?

Waking up after last night's ear ache, I didn't wake up in time to work out.  I know I'll need a run in later today - the stress from the day before usually dissapates during the night.  But it didn't, and just intensified with the ear ache.

Alright...I already see the "signs" happening:  lots of stress, wanting to sleep more (in other words: sleep instead of exercise), not tracking...


I'm backsliding. 

And yes, it usually starts with stress, and goes downhill with that.  I've noticed this week I have made barely any attempts to exercise, and frankly start justifying it with "I need the sleep."  Do I?  Honestly: yes, I do.  Not sleeping well is something that I have always struggled with in my adult life, and especially when I deal with stress.  I wake up a lot with my mind "going over" the events of the day/week, etc.  I DO try to go to bed early (especially when hubby has to wake up early the next day for work), and that sometimes helps.  But I'm trying to justify it again.

And then to "make up for it" in the afternoon, I just don't want to.  Working out in the pm takes precious time away from my family, so I've GOT to do it in the morning!

Anyway, Part II of backsliding: I start to not track my calories, and LORD, there is SO many excuses for this one!  1 - the internet at school is down (can't track if internet is down). 2 - I didn't MEAN to have TWO muffins today...I just won't track today....  3 - I "think" I did ok reason to "check." 

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, the signs are all there...what do I do?

This time, I don't quit. 

This time, I get BACK in the saddle.

This time, I CHOOSE to made the next choice a BETTER choice.

I'm tired of starting OVER FROM SCRATCH. Instead, I'm STARTING AGAIN.

But I need help, prayers and encouragement.  Life is gloomy right now, and the evil one thinks that he's won this battle.  I need (with Christ's help) to overcome.