Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 81

Over the past 3 months, I've lost 10 lbs! YAY! :)

Treadmill, 44 min, 420 calories

Yay! Got a workout in today, and I know that I'll get one in tomorrow, but most likely not Saturday. Tomorrow I'm off of school (conferences), and we're heading to Tri-Cities for the weekend.  We're going to see Tim Hawkins (a comedian) and since it's a (most of the) family trip, I'm not so sure that I will be working out like I usually do on the weekends.  In fact, this is the first time (in a LONG time) that my husband has taken the weekend off, and since I've started job #2, I don't get "weekends" off anymore.  So I'm pretty pumped!

So....if I seem a little "quiet" for the next two days, just know that I'm livin' life! :)  Still trying to work off calories (yes, the hotel has a gym and a pool!) and I'll try to track, but my iPod touch is acting up, and I'm not so sure that I'll be able to track away from a computer.  (Technology is good, but when it doesn't work, it truly leaves people up in arms!)  But I'm vowing to make good choices.  My husband is all pumped up about the eating-out choices that we'll have in the TC that we don't have here at home.  And that's good - I can LIVE! But that doesn't mean I need to over do it either.  Just a BITE or a SAMPLE is good for me.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1078

I hadn't purposely tried to go under calories for today.  We were just having a hard time fitting in dinner.  I sent my kids to the fridge for leftovers (so they wouldn't be in the house while we're gone), and hubby was doing some work on my car.  I was getting some stuff done after working job #1 AND job #2, and the next thing we knew, we looked at the clock and OH CRAP! It's 7:30!  (Hubby has to be in bed by 8 on nights that he has to wake up at 3 the next morning.)  He didn't want food settling on his stomach while sleeping, and I know I NEEDED to eat, but since my cold is trying to come back (my fault; didn't finish the antibiodic), I just grabbed a glass of milk with my meds and went on with the evening!  Oh well! 

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