Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 59 - giving up?

Waking up after last night's ear ache, I didn't wake up in time to work out.  I know I'll need a run in later today - the stress from the day before usually dissapates during the night.  But it didn't, and just intensified with the ear ache.

Alright...I already see the "signs" happening:  lots of stress, wanting to sleep more (in other words: sleep instead of exercise), not tracking...


I'm backsliding. 

And yes, it usually starts with stress, and goes downhill with that.  I've noticed this week I have made barely any attempts to exercise, and frankly start justifying it with "I need the sleep."  Do I?  Honestly: yes, I do.  Not sleeping well is something that I have always struggled with in my adult life, and especially when I deal with stress.  I wake up a lot with my mind "going over" the events of the day/week, etc.  I DO try to go to bed early (especially when hubby has to wake up early the next day for work), and that sometimes helps.  But I'm trying to justify it again.

And then to "make up for it" in the afternoon, I just don't want to.  Working out in the pm takes precious time away from my family, so I've GOT to do it in the morning!

Anyway, Part II of backsliding: I start to not track my calories, and LORD, there is SO many excuses for this one!  1 - the internet at school is down (can't track if internet is down). 2 - I didn't MEAN to have TWO muffins today...I just won't track today....  3 - I "think" I did ok reason to "check." 

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, the signs are all there...what do I do?

This time, I don't quit. 

This time, I get BACK in the saddle.

This time, I CHOOSE to made the next choice a BETTER choice.

I'm tired of starting OVER FROM SCRATCH. Instead, I'm STARTING AGAIN.

But I need help, prayers and encouragement.  Life is gloomy right now, and the evil one thinks that he's won this battle.  I need (with Christ's help) to overcome.

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