Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 83 & 84 - going to TC to see Tim Hawkins!

Day 83

Well, per Stacey-usual, I can't sleep!  Hubby and I stayed up late to watch a movie together, and I thought FOR SURE that would make me tired enough to allow me to sleep a full night without a sleep aid.


Not only did I have a hard time FALLING asleep, but at 4am, my eyes opened, and that was that.  When I have a lot on my mind, (which, frankly is most of the time), I have a hard time sleeping, it's nuts.  I just can't shut my brain off!  So since we're leaving for TC today, I thought I'd post yesterday's blog, check email, do a few household chores before we rolled out of town.  *sigh*  I guess it's good that I got up.

Today we're heading to my hometown.  I'm excited, but at the same time, I'm worried we're going to try to shove too much into 2 days worth.  So many family wants to see us - we were JUST THERE about 1.5 months ago!  But I guess that's a good problem to have.  It's going to feel odd to be in my hometown and not staying with family.  For the first time EVER - I'm staying in a HOTEL in my hometown.  Partly because it's not just me, hubby & my kids.  We were planning to take both of Dan's kids as well, but the Princess "opted out."  (We always give our kids the chance to "opt-out" of some family situations.  The Princess felt as if she couldn't behave herself for these two days.  So sad, really.  She's going to be missing out!  But frankly, we don't want to deal with her attitude, so - secretly - I'm a bit glad she did.)  So it's more people going, and we wanted to get a hotel with bfast and a pool (for children-entertainment purposes).  This crew can EAT, so getting a "free" bfast is a money saver for us!

Anyway, we're going for the purpose to see Tim Hawkins.  He's a Christian comedian, and frankly, even if you're NOT a Christian, he's HILLARIOUS!  Check him out on YouTube or  I can't wait to see him LIVE tonight!  I'm also hoping that he has a new DVD we'll be able to buy and bring home.

But my nervousness is about the food.  (ALWAYS, THE FOOD!)

My husband is PUMPED because TC has restaurants that we don't have here at home: Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, Red Robin, etc.  We don't have the time (or money!) to try them all, but I know he's excited.  I'm SCARED!  At home I can control what is IN my food, AND the portions!  I want to be able to LIVE but not OVERDO.

Day 84

The concert was AWESOME!  I had a great time with family, and even got to bring a friend from our old youth group with us.  We had such a good time!

We got to visit a lot of family as well - my mom's sister, my dad's brother & his wife and my brother and his family.  The only person we really didn't get to see that we normally do is my dad.  Apparently, he's been really battling a lot with his diabetes, and I have a cold, so he was afraid of catching it and sending his blood sugar out of whack.  I guess he's been really having a hard time lately with that.  I'm not so sure that's the FULL story, but it kept us from meeting up.

Anyway, so we've been up late the last 2 nights, and I'm exhausted.  My hubby bought me the new nook tablet, and I'm so appreciative of it!  I'm already getting frustrated with it, so I'm not so sure how much I love it just yet....  I already had a first generation nook (e-reader), and I love my (original) nook, but I'm used to iTouch applications as far as a tablet/itouch goes, so we'll see.

That's it for now - more to come later, I'm sure.

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