Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 66 - Lower body workout

OI!  I will say that although I don't get QUITE the calorie burn doing weights that I do when I do cardio, I do LOVE that feeling of muscle fatigue and burn!  And let me tell you, I'm FEELIN' it! :-)

Today is my "Friday."  My boss and various co-workers are going to a scrapbook retreat this weekend - I guess that's why it pays to own your own business - to choose when you have days off, right???  Well, I have the next 2 working days off, and my hubby surprised me and is only working 1/2 day tomorrow!  Yay!

Bit of treadmill with lower body exercises: 40 min 382 cals

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1545 Whew! 

We had "spaghetti" night.  The kids had "normal" spaghetti with meat and marinara sauce.  Hubby and I had noodles with seafood mix: squid, imitation crab, shrimp and mussels.  It was very good!  What almost put me over the edge was small french bread with olive tapanade.  YUM! 

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