Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 86 - trying to find "normal" again...

Oh my gosh, can this week just start OVER?  Nevermind...I'd rather fast forward....

My life has NOT been focused on weight loss AT ALL.  On Monday I accepted Job #3.  Which at this time was simply to start taking over a management position at the day care that is next door to the school I teach at.  I was supposed to work about 5 hrs a week - mostly just going over to the center, checking on things, making staff schedules and lunch/snack menus.  No big deal, right?  Once again, it's in preparation for summer when my full time teaching job is done, and I'm in need of income.  By June the boss planned to have me on full time as manager.

Well, that all sounded fine...I was busy prepping for the staff meeting that was to be today (to announce the change), when the boss dropped the bomb on my principal:  she's no longer going to buy the daycare from her (the school owner).  My boss/boss (principal) is DEVISTATED.  She was so tired of all these "hats" she was wearing, and was looking forward to just having a normal teacher-like summer.  Now she has to deal with all this, and because I stepped into this role this week, I'm literally stepping in "IT."  This is no longer going to be 5-ish simple hours.  I've got to basically "sell" the idea back to my boss to continue this thing through. 

However, my first thought (when she considered closing the doors when the school year ended) was actually relief!  Managing a daycare is NOT what I really want to do - been there, done that!  The stress is super-crazy!  I frankly took the job because we need the income - I can't be without full time work in the summer, and I know my little retail position at the Christian bookstore won't be enough.

I just have to keep looking to God and pray that he gives me peace from the stress, and the strength to lean on Him.

Speaking of's killing me again.  And if I let it, it's going to continue to affect me not only at work, but follow me home.  I can't let it.  My husband just stared at me while I was on the phone most of the evening, and tried to be of comfort.  Exercise is non-existant because I'm so exhausted, and eating is sporatic at times, and not carefully planned.

Something needs to change....

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