Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 80

As I just wrapped up my Day 79 blog, I reported that I couldn't track yesterday's food because my beloved is down (for some reason??)!!!! Oh no!  So I'm hoping it's up later today so that I can track today's food.

I didn't sleep well today, so I didn't get up an exercise.  Although, looking back, I should have just got up anyway - I only tossed and turned that last hour.  But sleep is something very important to me!  And not just because I like it! (lol)  But in someways, I am an insomniac...  I have a hard time getting to sleep and STAYING asleep.  Yes, I do all the right things: regular exercise, stay away from caffiene, no screens/bright lights before bed, etc.  But if I have a lot on my mind...forget it.  I'm almost doomed.  And yes, I take an OTC sleeping pill.  I've tried it all: melatonin, valerian, etc.  But nothing works on a regular basis.


SIGH - my husband is so sweet, and can read me like a book!  I've been under a lot of stress lately, and I was a sentimental goof and tried to mark the 1 year anniversary of our engagement.  (It ended up being not a very good "anniversary" - we had some mixed signals, etc. Long story.)  So today he came to work with a dozen roses.  I joked with him about "what did you do?" and he was just very solomn and said he just wanted to let me know he loves me.  (Which really was sweet because on said-anniversary he remembered to have me run by the store for a rose for the Princess since she had a choir concert that night...but no flower for the wife....ouch.  Way to make up for that, honey!)  And yes, he did it all on his own without any hinting!  Also, he made me THREE sushi rolls!  (He's getting QUITE good at this!  All three rolls were different, but the one he presented to me tonight had tuna, shrimp, crab meat, avocado, cucumber, wasabi and a bit of cream cheese.  (With nori and rice too, of course.)  I can't bare to tell him that although I love sushi, I like it once in a blue moon!  Now I have 2 sushi rolls to eat before we leave out of town on Saturday morning! Oi!  But he did it out of love, and I truly appreciate that from him. 

On a side note, he made steak and mashed potatoes (from a box - blech!) for everyone else.  I will say, I was kinda jealous about the steak!  But I got a sample-bite to appease my curiosity! :) lol

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: ??? Didn't get everything in!

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