Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 75 - back in the saddle...AGAIN?

One thing that I have learned, is that every time you fall, you MUST get back up again.  We learned that as babies trying to walk, kids trying to ride a bike, and even as adults looking for a job. 

However, through the course of learning to walk, ride a bike and job hunting, usually the success of learning is the "end" of the journey!  Well, I've learned that there is no "END" to this journey.  Oh sure, you might attain your goal weight, but from what I understand, maintaining it is harder than getting there in the first place!  And actually, I understand that because right now I'm not pushing myself with exercise, and PMS is making eating choices harder than ever, and I'm HIGHLY sure that I have not maintained my piddly 7 lb loss.  It's a constant struggle.

Is it worth it?

I think so.  I think learning resilience, how to be healthier and modling that for my children is important.  I also learn that I am NOT perfect.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,599  Oh man, JUST over!

I think the PB/Banana sandwich for morning snack put me over!  (Next time I need only a 1/2, not a whole.)  My first 2 days of my perioid are ones that I am HUNGRY all the time!  So I try to make sure I'm hydrated - that it's not a need for water, not food - and know that my body probably needs a few extra calories.


Tomorrow is my 5k race, and I'm really nervous.  It's not the mileage; 3.1 miles isn't much for me anymore (although that wasn't always true)!  I'm nervous because I'm getting BACK into racing, and although I truly only race against MYSELF, it's getting "back on the bike" again.  Of course during a race, you always want to PR (Personal Record), and that's no different.  But let's face it - it's been almost a week since I've exercised, I DO feel better (sinus infection), but the weather is crappy, etc.  And frankly, I don't know the area, and there's no race map.  What if I get lost?!?!? lol  I have to admit, that would be a bit funny....

I just want it to go WELL.  Yes, I want to PR.  I don't want to get sicker (because of the rainy weather), and I want to feel good about myself afterwards.  Is that too much to ask?!?! :-)

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