Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 68 - feeling a bit better

Oh my gosh, I'm a GOOBER!

I've been so ramped-up about this 5k this weekend...with my head cold and sore muscles....

...did I mention that this is a St. Patty's 5k? 
...did I mention that St. Patricks day is NEXT week?

Oh my gosh - it's next week.  Not tomorrow.  I'm SO grateful that I checked the website to find out the location and THEN noticed the date.  Would have looked REALLY stupid showing up to a race that's a week away.  Hey, is that opposite of daylight savings?  Instead of being late, I'm just SUPER early?!?!?  Well, luckily, I saved myself from embarrassment...

So anyway, since I took off yesterday due to sore muscles & head cold, I've been itching to get out.  And to top it all off, I've been OFF WORK!  The weather is GORGEOUS (!) and I knew I couldn't stand it - I had to at least go for a WALK!

Well, we're on the ID/WA boarder, and there's a lot of great trails along the snake river. And I've always wondered how far it is from bridge to bridge. Well, guess what? Not only did I find out that it's a 4.5 mile loop, but I JOGGED most of it and felt FAB! Lungs felt a bit heavy the last .5 miles, so that was my cool-down walk. But I feel so good about it! YAY!  The worst part about it: I didn't fuel up for it!  The heat was getting to me a bit (mid 70's), but I was HUNGRY!  (Yes, I ate when I got home.)  I topped it off with an Epsom Salt bath and I'm almost a new girl! 

4.5 miles, 64 min, 631 calories.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1012 calories

I know that I'm WAY under, but I DID get my Shakeology in, and I hadn't planned on exercising.  Having a head cold really diminishes any desire to eat, even for fuel's sake.  But I know I'm on the mend, and if the weather's good again tomorrow, I'm definitely going to do that Bridge loop again...this time, fueled up! :-)

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