Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 70 - spring weather matches my cold

Well, with Spring sunshine usually comes with a day here and there of rain.  Yep - that'd be today.  Matches how my head feels, lol.

Sunday is usually not my "day of rest," but I'm thinking it might need to be.  With me working this new second job, I now only have Sunday off, and that's the day I need to do grocery shopping, laundry, etc.  I might do an upper body workout (I think that's what I did last week), but with Daylight Savings being today, it's going to have to be AFTER church, and frankly, it's a low priority today.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1459

For the most part, I just did what I HAD to do (i.e. lesson plans for the week, a bit of grocery shopping) and pretty much relaxed the rest of the day.  I'm sure my HR got up a few times - I had to get on the kids for a few things - but I listened to my body and needed a DOWN day.  I NEED to kick this head-cold-sinus-infection thingy.  It's killing me.

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