Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 61 & 62 - lookin' a bit better

Friday, Day 61:

I woke up this morning resolving to get back in the swing of things despite the desire to hit the snooze.  I DO know I feel better when I've worked out in the morning.  It sets the tone to my day.  I was even ok with just "walking" on the treadmill - as long as I was MOVING!  Well, I did through a few jogs in there - more than I thought I would, so I even surprised myself!

On top of it all, I did the math, and I'm still decently within range of getting my weekly 2,100 calorie burn goal!  Just need a good workout tomorrow! YES!  That feels pretty good.  The goal for the rest of my day: to track my food whether or not the internet is up at work or not.  Hopefully I will achieve that!

Treadmill: 45 min, 402 cal
Recess Walking: 22 min, 122 cal

Saturday, Day 62:

There is SO MUCH pulling at me today!  I have a meeting for work - actually, for a "job" that I don't yet have, but am hoping to gain once that summer is here and I'm not teaching anymore.  And then I need to pick up a cake for my hubby's work and deliever that, and then go to a Demarche at Home party.  (Which I've never been to one, but heard it's like Pampered Chef.)  I think with the food sampling, it's really going to be hard to track...I'm nervous about it.

On top of it all, my SIL and her family are planning to be in town!  They usually come to do shopping, etc. and NEVER call me!  Well, I got the text the night before "we're coming to town!  Wanna get together???"  Of course - the one weekend I have a life!  lol....  So we were able to connect up together in the evening and even stretch it out so that my hubby could join us for dinner.  It was a GREAT day, but a LONG day! 

Turbo Jam Remix (with 1 lb wrist weights): 31 min, 309 calories

I didn't make my weekly calorie goal by less than 100 calories!!!  SERIOUSLY!  I'm bummed about it, but it gives me new resolve.  I'm also adding in some short weight resistance trainings.  I'm glad that I focus on cardio - because it's truly the bulk of what I need, but I know more muscle burns MORE FAT!  And (being optimistic) as I loose this weight, I don't want just saggy skin.  I want muscle to be underneath ready to show!   Am I dreaming too high of dreams?  Hopefully not....

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