Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 82

Treadmill: 1 hr, 47 min., 980 calories (WOW! - That shocks even me!)

I hit my miles per week goal (goal: 12, I've done 13) as well as number of minutes.  But I'm 200 calories short of the amount I want to burn for the week.  I'm hoping that I get an opportunity tomorrow to do something, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I can't. 

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed:  1437

He knows that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Red Lobster's coconut shrimp.  LOVE it!  But however much shrimp is good for you, the way they make their all-too-famous dish is NOT.  It's fried.  Just leave it at that.  So anyway, he's been searching for a recipe makeover, and he FOUND ONE!  Oh my gosh, it was SO good!  I will admit, it wasn't quite the same, but frankly, it was good enough NOT to care!   And yes, I completely overdid it!  I ate 10 of those buggers!  But I stayed in range for calories and said "no thanks" to the coffeecake later that night.  How's THAT for livin'?

Recipe for Coconut Shrimp (baked) can be found here: Oven-Baked Coconut Shrimp

I don't know what's been going on with my body lately, but I've been weighing myself every day, and over the last 4 days I've been losing an average of a lb. every 2 days.  Granted, it's only been 4 days total, but that's more weight lost in the last 4 days than I've lost in WEEKS! 

I'm hoping that with trying to manage my stress, regular workouts and watching my intake (gee, aren't those the 3 keys to weight loss???) I'll continue to lose.  Probably not always at this pace, although that would be nice!

The only thing that I can think of that I've been doing "differently" is actually apple cider vinegar.  Ok, sounds a little hokey, but I've been told about all the "wonderful properties" of acv.  I know it really helps in the bath to sooth muscles (pulls out the lactic acid), and it was suggested to my hubby for his stomach problems.  Well, he tried it once, and never did it again!  (It does taste like vinegar - duh - and it "burnt" going down for him....)  I put it in my "morning drink" each day.  I have a 10 oz bottle that I put in a pack of vitamin C (Emergen-C, 1000mg), a tsp of metamuscil (I don't get enough fiber), and 1-2 TB of acv.  Maybe it's doing the trick?  I dunno, but I'm going to keep on doing it - I'm down another .3 lbs just from yesterday!  If it's not broken, don't fix it!

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