Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 74 - Officially on the mend!

I'm bouncing back from the sinus infection.  Not much sleep again last night, but I can tell the meds are kicking in because I'm not having to blow my nose every 30 min.! Yay! Praise God!

So it's back to the grind for me.  On top of it all, Mother Nature is visiting this week, so I'm sure that's why I"m super tired.  Didn't wake up to work out today.  I don't want to overdo it not only for the cold, but because that 5k IS this weekend - no mistake this time!


Let's just say I didn't track, and I'm actually glad this time because I think the end total would scare me.  And frankly, I'm surprised because I started off really well in the morning with my Shakeology for breakfast.  And when I have my shake, it usually helps with any cravings.  Well, baby....not today!

It was primarily lunch - PMS cravings for grease and ice cream were rough!  I would love to say that I triumphed through it, but I didn't.  No excuses either.  Not "I've worked hard for this," or "I'll work it off."  Nope.  Just healing from infection, hurt feelings from family meetings, rejection, PMS cravings and now this...guilt.  And yes, despite the cravings, it did NOT taste as good as I had hoped.  I guess that's a good thing?

That, and tomorrow's a new day....

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