Sunday, March 4, 2012

(Around) Day 60 photos and reflection

I wasn't going to take Day 60 photos.  I'm just not very motivated to do so, and I don't really expect to see much change - if any.  Days 30 - 60 were very up and down for me.


Normally, during a "diet" or "exercise program" I would have never seen Day 60 and beyond.  I would be discouraged and quit.  That's probably why I've seen the 170's move to the 180's and now sitting in the 190's.  You don't know how excited I will be to be back in the 180's.  That sounds grossly disgusting, but to be out of that 190's - SOOOO CLOSE TO 200 - is scary to me.  It's not good for my body to be there, I already know that.  And so that's why I continue. 

I continue...

... despite the fact I want to quit.
... despite the fact I don't see much change.
... despite the fact that I can't always eat what I want to.
... despite the fact that my body isn't responding like I want it to.

As I said in a Facebook posting, as some people lose weight they don't give up the "fat person mentality."  Well, I actually can't give up my "fit person" mentality.  I still think I'm the strong person I physically once was.  I still look down at my shoes and think that I AM as fit as I used to be.  It isn't until I look at pictures that I get my reality check.  My butt is now a "shelf butt" and there is a muffin top over the edge of my pants.

It's just disgusting.

That's why I avoid pictures.  I don't like reality.
After a workout - yes, this girl can SWEAT! :-)
from the side

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