Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 69 - had to do it AGAIN!

After such a great walk/jog yesterday on the path I've now dubbed "Bridge to bridge loop," I HAD to do it again!  (Especially since I was a doofus and realized my race was actually NEXT week, and not today.)  I admit, I woke up feeling crappy again - I really do need to get this head cold/sinus infection (?) checked out - and my legs were a bit tight from pushing it yesterday.  But as my friends have said on Facebook "just hit PLAY."  Well, in this case, there's no "play."  But Nike's "Just Do It" motto probably fits a bit better.  So.... I did!

Bridge to bridge loop: 5.06 miles, 65 min (with cool-down), 680 calories.

Tomorrow I need to cross train, or do something that gives my feet a break.  That's almost 10 miles in 2 days!  I'm not used to it, and they say runners should only add 10% mileage (at the most) each week.  So I need to be careful.

I have to share this picture that I found on John "The Penguin" Bingham's Facebook:

I love John Bingham.  He helps me realize that it doesn't matter if I'm slow - if I'm running, I'm a runner.  Doesn't matter if it's a 12 min mile, 10 min mile or 6 min mile.  I'm moving. And moving in the right direction....

On a more personal note...

I just realized this is LOVELY PMS WEEK! Whoot-whoot.  And guess what...??? I'm supposed to start the DAY BEFORE my race.  REALLY?!?  Great timing, Ma-Nature!  Sheesh.  No break here!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1181  (almost!)  This was a completely UNPLANNED UNDER day. 

I started my 2nd job today, and by the time I got home (which was 40 min. late due to customers hanging around, etc), my worn out hubby had already beat me home and showered.  He had a rough day as well, and it wasn't done.  Usually for daylight savings, his work chooses to "activate it" after the weekend shift goes home (i.e. Sunday evening) so that it doesn't affect the 1 hr sleep deficiet for their employees.  Well, the new manager had them "take a vote."  Sheesh.  Stupid people - just an excuse to call in....  Anyway, so he was looking at getting home at 6pm Saturday and getting up at 2am (body time) instead of his normal 3am.  He's also fighting the cold that I so generously shared with him..... He's gonna be grouchy tomorrow.  I have a feeling there's no date night tomorrow....

Anyway, since he was headed to bed, I quickly ate a leftover chicken breast for dinner and headed to bed myself.  Still tossed and turned...this cold can leave ANY TIME, thank you!

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