Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 64

I'm actually pretty proud of myself this morning...

At 5:00am the alarm went off (as normal, Mon-Fri).  And as "Monday-normal" I reset it for 6am.  But I forgot to turn off the 5:10am "reminder" alarm.  So when it went off, I GOT UP!  (Okay, sounds hokey, but with a warm, snuggily hubby in bed after you really don't see him all weekend, it's really hard to roll out of bed!)

It really helped that I have a 5k this weekend.  I wanted to get some speed drills in before the race (I'm NOT fast AT ALL), but not so close to the race day.  So I did it!  I did 2 min speed, 1 min recovery for over 30 min. YES!

Treadmill - speed drills: 38 min (with cool down), 396 cals

P.S. I also did the plank move for over a minute!  YAY!  I couldn't even hold it for 30 seconds over a month ago!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 2062

Oh my gosh - I went over by a WHOLE MEAL!  And I thought I actually did "ok!"  But once I input the chili, hot dogs and fritos for dinner....sheesh!  It added up and QUICK!  I'm really glad I tracked it, though - even though I went over because I would have never realized how high in calorie a simple HOT DOG is! sheesh!

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