Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 63

Today I've decided to really start incorporating some resistance training.  More muscle burns more calories overall.  I just don't like weight training for a couple of reasons (and frankly, they are wimpy reasons).

#1 - As far as 20 min. weight training vs. 20 min. cardio, less calories are burned in that SPECIFIC amount of time.  My goal is 2100 calories burned a week, and I can get quite a bit done in 20 min.!!!

#2 - I don't feel the "hurt" until usually 24 hrs. later.  And my, oh my, I FEEL it!  Which makes me very sluggish the next day when I get up to work out.

I know...weenie, weenie excuses.  But I know what I need to do, and I'm gonna start doing it.

Day 1 - Upper body
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Lower body
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 6 - Cardio
Day 7 - Yoga

Actually, looking at that, I might switch Day 2 (which is Monday - a hard day for me to motivate) and Day 7 (Saturday) around.  I'll have to be flexible and see.

Upper Body: 22 min, 138 calories
Step Aerobics & stretching: 48 min, 409 cal

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1641

Well, I went over, but I'm back to tracking - even the Panda Express that I ate with hubby for date night!  So that's a step in the right direction.

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