Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 73 - Dr. day

Alrighty, I think I made an AWESOME effort to get to work!  Despite the snot-filled head, drama from the Princess the night before (meaning: LOTS of stress and NO sleep) and raging headache, I was truly going to go in.  AND - I even MADE it in to work!  I actually TAUGHT for over an hour before I flew up the white flag.  I just couldn't do it anymore.

So, not being from around here, my hubby took me to the "Express Care."  (I'm sorry - the irony of using the word "express" and doctors is a must-mention.)  I come from living in an area where my doctor is a trusted family friend.  He treats my grandmother, my father, and most of the other family members where I'm from.... I've been seeing him since I was 12! (over 2 decades for those of you keeping track)  I don't do "doc-in-a-box" clinics...

So it was strange.  Not only to be GOING to a clinic, but to give out family history and personal information that I have not had to give in a VERY long time!  But kuddos to my honey who was there and with me all the time, and even gallantly turned to the side when I was getting weighed! ;-)  (Told ya he's a keeper!)

Anyway, 1.5 hours later ("express care"...remember that...) we finally went home, vegged in front of the TV watching old movies.

No tracking nutrition.
No workout.

But a day leading in the right direction: towards better health.  And that's the end goal, right? :)

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