Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 67 - BAD head cold :-(

Day 67 was yesterday, and there was a LOT going on!

First of all, I see God's hand in His Timing.  Here's an example:
- I RARELY EVER get SICK-sick.  And honestly, I'm not really "sick," but I've got a nasty head cold, and the other night (Wed night - Thurs AM) I DID NOT sleep very well at all.  I was all clogged up, didn't have any Nyquil (and wasn't going anywhere at 2am to get any).  So I tried a few home remidies (tea, warm cloth, Netti pot) to try and breathe, and basically snoozed off and on sitting upright through the morning hours. 

Luckily, I was off work.  That's the blessing of God's timing.  Normally with a head cold (sleep or not), I would have trudged through another day of work.  But yesterday and today I have off - giving my body a chance to rest up.

Now, granted, I was still "busy" yesterday. I had an interview at our local Christian bookstore, and got the job!  Just a few part time hours here during the spring, and hopefully more once school is over.  Most teachers don't have to work during the summer, but working for a private school has left us without a summer income.  And we're trying really hard to become debt-free and also still trying to have a few "luxuries" here and there (like we'd like to go to the beach for our first anniversary).  My husband is not happy, but I think he understands.  His ex wife was not a worker - she would flit from job to job, quitting or getting fired.  Rarely ever working full time, yet spending money as if she were.  I'm not that way - I CAN spend just like the next gal!  But we really want to be debt free and have that freedom.  And I'm a worker; always have been, always will be.  Even if I have the luxury of not having to work, I can still see myself working part time.  I enjoy the interaction with working with people. of that bunny trail...

So yesterday at noon my hubby took 1/2 a day off to spend time with me.  I felt a bit guilty - not because he took the time off (apparently all my school days off are typically Fridays, which he works - nuts!), but because I wasn't feeling too hot.  But we had a good lunch - a recipe I got out of my runner's magazine, ran a few errands and just spent time together. 

On top of the head cold, I was moving pretty slow from the lower body workout the day before.  I am SO GLAD that I did it on Wednesday, and not closer to the 5k on Saturday!  I shuffled around like a little old lady!  I think it was the "curtsy move" that did me in.  Not necessarily the move itself, but the 15 lbs I was holding in hand weights, and the facts that I did the move until muscle fatigue!  NOTE TO SELF: STRETCH OUT MORE AFTER WEIGHT TRAINING!!!  Oh my good God in heaven!  I haven't felt like that in YEARS - even after my last 1/2 marathon!  Oops...a little "over done" I think....

But the weather was GORGEOUS(!) so I was feeling a bit guilty about taking an "off day."  Only because of the weather, but I was certainly listening to my body (and God): between the head cold and the sore muscles, I needed time off!  (Update:  today is the same gorgeous weather. I AM feeling better, but not 100%, so I'm planning a good, long walk today.  Not only to help me loosen up the muscles, but to get out and get some natural Vitamin D!)   I am a bit nervous about the 5k this weekend - it's a distance that I'm used to, and I'm glad that I went with that instead of the 10k! (whew!)  And so far, the head cold has NOT moved into my chest.  But I don't like running with a cold OR sore muscles, so I'm planning that walk later today!

However, feeling "ishy" I didn't track my calories.  I KNOW I was under my goal.  I didn't have ANY appetite and only ate to appease my husband, frankly.  And today I'll carb-up for tomorrow's race.  Still have no appetite, but I need the fuel/energy first thing tomorrow!

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