Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 76 - First 5k in a LONG time...

Oh good...Lewis and Clark pointing the way! Whew!
St. Patrick's Day 5k Race - Lewiston, Idaho

I was pretty nervous going into this 5k.  It wasn't the distance - I've been doing 5 mile loops lately, and I've done two 1/2 marathons!   But it's been awhile since I've "raced."  I don't know this area very well at all - I've lived here less than a year, and so I'm really glad I went to the race location early (a bit TOO early), but it took me 10 min. to find.  Glad I took a book and just listened to music while I read...helped calm my nerves!

I don't race anyone except myself - my goal for each race is to PR (Personal Record) for that distance, feel good after the race and feel good about what I did.

I can say that I accomplished all 3 goals yesterday.

Pinning on my number in a new spot.
I hate it when the bibs have to be pinned to my gut - so annoying!
Let's just attract MORE attention to my gut-roll, ok?!?!?
First goal: PR  35:20
My previous PR is really slow.  I don't remember the seconds, but I know it was 38 minutes.  That's because I've actually done very few 5k's.  Once I got the 3.1 mile distance "down," I moved on to 10ks, and 1/2 marathons.  So I wanted to do the 5k this time (there was an option for 10k as well) for a couple of reasons: 1 - because I was just getting back into it after a year and a half, and speed is NOT my thing; I need to improve in that area.

Second goal: Feel good AFTER the race
Did I push it TOO hard?  Did I not push ENOUGH?  Did I "jog smart" and not pull anything?  I think it went well, and I ended strong - sprinted to the finish.

Final goal: reflection....could I have done anything differently?
The only "regrets" I had were 2:  #1 - I should have hit the bathroom ONE LAST TIME! (I'm ALWAYS going to the bathroom!) And not because I "really had to go" or that there weren't bathrooms along the way, but it was on my mind a LOT.  And being stubborn (for that PR) I did NOT want to go along the race!  I didn't even go AFTER the race until I got home!  Sheesh!  But it was on my mind.
#2 - I set my Garmin watch up at the starting point, but for whatever reason, I hit the wrong button and didn't realize it until the end of mile 1.  So I had to do some math to figure out what my first mile stats were.  (Not really a big deal - the race was chipped.)
All done! Sweaty, red-faced, but feeling good! :-)

Workout - St. Patrick's Day 5k
3.1 miles, 35:20, 410 calories

#60 overall (not bad for a slo-mo!)
35:20 "official" time

I take this type of picture every race:
My bib number, the t-shirt and the shoes I ran in.
Someday I'll scrapbook them all...maybe....

close up of the bib - I always write my time on it.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1,427

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