Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 77 - Day of rest? Not for this girl!

I don't know why I'm on the computer right now, I have such a long "to do" list, it's not even funny!  You know you have a problem when you wake up at 5am (on a SUNDAY!) and think... "man, I wonder if I can get my Wal-Mart shopping done before the kids get up."  REALLY?!?!  That, my friends, is a problem....

WHY do I have such a problem?  Well, it's called "SECOND JOB" syndrome.  It means that although you're getting paid for doing services at another business, the job that you DON'T get paid for (ie job of "mom" and job of "wife") suffer.  That's not my intent.  In fact, I wasn't really looking for a lot of hours from this second job...I was just trying to get a jump start on getting a SUMMER JOB.  (We live in a town HIGHLY populated by college kids - we live near LCSC, and close to Moscow, ID and Pullman, WA.)  So I was thinking that looking for a summer job in the SPRING was a good idea....until I got OVERLY blessed with lots of hours.

So now, my "day of rest" (which, frankly, never really was a day of rest), is now even less rest-full.


So....I started out really good with tracking...and then the speed of light happened!  (As in...I was doing so much all at once, I felt like I was moving at the speed of light....does that count for a workout?!?!?) lol...  So I don't have my tracking stats.  But I did get a run in.

3.26 miles, 460 calories

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