Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 78

Ok...didn't do so hot tracking yesterday.  Started out well (with good intentions), but didn't get much past AM snack.  NUTS!  So today, I VOW to do better.  I've just packed my lunch for work today and I'm already going to put it into my tracker. YES - success already!  Now I just have to make sure that's what I actually eat...right???

This week is going to be a stressful week.  First of all on the #1 job front - it's conferences.  And because of job #2, that makes it very complicated as to when I can meet with parents (as in only Mon-Wed afternoons).  That could either be a good thing, or a bad thing.  We don't know the current visiting status of the Princess for this week.  There was a HUGE blow up last week, and dad (aka hubby) sent her off packing to her mom's house because of her crappy attitude.  To our GREAT surprise, there has been no communication about what to expect this week.... should be interesting....


Well, the Princess arrived on scene, and I will delightfully say it's been "normal."  Still annoying, but "normal."  I think she's minding her p's and q's because she knows dad will send her packing again.

I will say, though, that through conferences and all, I've been slacking.  Life is "getting in the way."  I didn't track today, and Monday has typically been my "off" workout day. 

Tomorrow's a new day...

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