Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 58 - regretting yesterday

I got up first thing this morning, and around 4:45 I just couldn't "sleep in."  I guess that's a good problem to have, right? Because that means that I made my 5:00am "appointment' with my workout.

Well, it was good that I was on the treadmill, because if it wasn't electronic, I don't know if my legs would have moved!  At first I thought I was tired, but then I remember that I didn't have much to eat yesterday - only about 1,100 calories, and although I'm trying to lose weight, that's not enough for a workout the next day. 

I should have ate something before I worked out - but we have NOTHING in the house.  Tomorrow is payday, and thank goodness!  I need some "quick grabs": apples, bananas, clementines, etc.  There was even a point this morning on the treadmill that I had to hold on to the bars for a second - I felt a little woosey!  So right afterwards, I ate a piece of toast.  I don't like that feeling at all. 

I'm not one of those who will do "whatever it takes" to lose weight.  My goal: to be healthy and have a healthy lifestyle. Period.  Not eating enough is NOT a healthy lifestyle.  In order to use energy to burn calories, the body must have fuel - and GOOD fuel.  PREMIUM, baby! ;-)

Treadmill (mostly walking): 1 hr, 607 calories

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550 calories
Calories consumed: 1535 (whew!)

Yesterday, I knew I was almost at my wit's end with nutrition.  It was a HIGH STRESS DAY!  Start off with the fact that we heard my hubby's ex had her baby (NO - NOT HIS!) but yet, since she kept her married name after the divorce, this new baby has my husband's last name - and it was broadcasted in the local paper for all to see yesterday.  (Apparently, the ex and baby-daddy - as we call him - are on the "outs.")  So that ticked off my hubby more than you know, and affected me too.  (I got calls all day: "I didn't know you were pregnant" or "did your SIL have a baby - are you a new auntie?")

Then, at the beginning of the school day - 5 min before we started - my boss got an emergency phone call about a relative they needed to take off the ventalator.  (SO SAD!)  So for the most part of the day, I had 18 students.  THAT isn't the hard part - the hard part is that they were all ages Kindergarten - 5th grade. OI!  Talk about STRESS! 

And then I come home - the fun NEVER ENDS at home!  All the TV screens are on, and the family is ZONED OUT on them.  (I'm sorry - I have a big issue with TOO MUCH SCREENS!  TV, video games, etc.  It's especially bad when the step kids are here - they don't want to do other things other than zone-out in front of the TV.)  Anyway, I should have followed my first instinct and went for a run.  Nope.  I actually had a great conversation with my step son about a variety of things, and that's totally worth not going for a run.  He needs an adult outlet right now, and I see our relationship flourishing.  But with my own son, things got a bit out of hand.  He was protective about his phone, and so that lead me to feel the need to look through it (he is a minor, by the way) and he got beligerent, and it got heated between him, me and my husband (who will not stand for my son's disrespect).  I went to bed early....and in the middle of the night woke up with a raging ear ache.  lovely.....

But when I stress, I want to snack and eat on ANYTHING!  Knowin that my boss will be out for the rest of the week, I probably need to take gum to school.  Wish me luck and keep me in prayer! :D

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