Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 30 "results"

Ok, I have to really admit that this is where I give up...IN THE PAST, that is....

I'm looking at the pictures that I took last month vs. the pictures that I took this month, and frankly, I don't see any change.  In fact, if I SCRUTENIZE myself (and who doesn't?) I actually see myself looking WORSE (in the face-forward shot)! 

This is where the enemy tells me that all my aching muscles and good eating habits are for not.  That no matter WHAT I do, or what my good intentions are, I won't accomplish this goal.  And it's so VERY hard not to buy into it again.

"Before" - Jan 2012

Day 30 - Feb. 2012 on the "side shots," I do notice that I'm a bit trimmer.  YES! I see SOMETHING that is an improvement!  

"Before" side - Jan 2012

Day 30 side - Feb 2012

However, I wish I could say that the "proof" was in the pictures.  NOT YET.  I know that cognitively, this should be my motivator - to work harder, try harder.  REALLY?  Exercise-wise, I'm truly giving it what I've got!

Ok, so I'm a numbers girl.  I like them - I can't crunch them, calculate them, etc.  So here they are:

Day 1 numbers are in black, Day 30 numbers are in PURPLE.
Difference +/- is in RED.
Today's numbers:

Weight (in lbs):  198.4   194.2  - 4.2
BMI:  34.1 OBESE   33.3 OBESE    - 0.7
Body Fat %:  42  40.8   -1.2%

Measurements (in inches):

13.5  13.75  +0.25
Bust: 41.5 (with sports bra on) 41.75  +.25
Waist:  38  36.5   - 1.5
Hips:  46  45.5  - 0.5
Left Arm: 14.5  14.0  - 0.5                  
Right Arm:  14.5  14.5   SAME
Left Thigh: 27   26.75   - 1.0                 
Right Thigh:  27.5   27    - 0.5
Left Calf: 16.5     16.75    +0.25             
Right Calf:  17   17.0   SAME

Overall, I'm much more happy with the numbers than I was on Day 20 when I did a "sneak peak" at them.  I'm truly glad to see my waist and hips go down (and that configures what I see in the side picture above).  I'm disappointed that my chest measurements are going up and down.  Some women really don't want to lose in the bust area I DO!  (Don't ask my husband, he doesn't have to haul "the girls" around!) 

And I'm not surprised to see my calf muscles stay the same/get bigger.  I've always had big, strong, muscular calves.  I don't like it; it's not very feminine.  But they're mine, and I like that they're strong, and getting stronger.  Not a lot of fat on those!  My thighs are another story.  They too are big and strong, but there's PLENTY that can be dropped from those!

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