Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 32


Well, I know I need to get my 30 day stats and pics up here.  I will probably do that this afternoon.  This morning already hasn't gotten off to a great start - I DID set my alarm, and I'm sure it went off (it's on my phone), but I think the volume was too low....didn't hear it.  So I woke up a few minutes shy of 6:00 (my "sleep in" time) and let's just say I'm grateful that I'm not officially "LATE!"  But of course, no workout this morning.  **grrr**

So, lesson that I learned from yesterday was to be intentional with my eating, therefore to not go over.  I'm organized: type-A person, leader, teacher, mother/step mom of 4, so I have to be organized out of necessity!  But I'm not SO organized that I pre-plan my eating.  I wish I could, but it's frankly leftovers for lunch (not today! last night's dinner was TOO caloric!) or whatever is in the fridge.  Today's lesson is having a PLAN B!

Too many times (especially lately), I've not been able to get in my morning workout.  Typically it's an alarm thing, but I can't let this continue!  So my plan B is usually walk at recess, and even plan C HAS to be to at least walk on the treadmill after work.  I don't like doing this because I want to spend time with my hubby.  At least today I have almost an hour buffer of time when I get home vs. the time that he gets home from work.


Well, I'm glad I walked at school.  It wasn't for more than 35 min, but I had to stay after school, and then drama hit at home, so no work out at home. :(

Walking at school (with lunges)! 35 min, 240 cals (not a lot, but better than nothing!)

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1148

I don't know whether to be happy or upset about that lack of calories.  It will certainly help me wiht the days I over consumed, but I basically didn't have snack or dinner because of the family drama.  Kills my stomach each time something new comes up.

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