Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 31

Wow, talk about if you're not intentional, what can happen!

Because of the crappy week I've been having with work drama (add a little home drama in there too to round it out...), my hubby wanted to take me to lunch at a Thai place that has Sushi.  He knows that I love Sushi, and I usually don't get to have it a lot because he doesn't like the Nori (seaweed wrap) and the kids are hit-and-miss.  WOW - "spent" quite a few calories there!  And we had already planned to have breakfast dinner, but he wanted to make bfast burritos with the Spanish rice my son had left over from Spanish class (they had a fiesta)...and oh my.... high in protein, but high in calories as well! OUCH!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1,719


That just goes to show that I truly have to keep a game-plan in mind.  I know there are people who have posted "I have eaten ALL DAY LONG and I still need to eat 1,000 more calories!!!" (Ok, slight exaggeration on the number...)  And I've had a day or two of that.  But not usually.  I think it's because I don't eat a lot of veggies.  WHY?  It's not that I'm veggie-phobic. I like them.  I don't prefer them! (True confession)  I love fruit, and I have no problem having fruit for "dessert" or any other time.  So I think I just really need to hit more veggies.  Not just for snacks, but overall.  I was doing pretty good with my "one salad a day" goal for awhile, but I just pittered out on it - got bored.  And my last excuse (and yes, I know it's just an "excuse") is that produce is expensive (overall), but especially since they're not in season.  And I COMPLETELY prefer fresh to canned, and frozen is ok.

It was raining here all day, so I didn't get any extra recess walks (which I was actually looking forward to)!

Not a "stellar" workout by any means.  Frankly, didn't want to do it, so I walked most of the time. :-(
Treadmill with BL: 40 min, 340 calories

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