Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 56

I have to son suggested this morning that I go for a run outside instead of on the treadmill.  Last I check the weather (a few min prior) it was 35 degrees with snow on the forecast.  Outside, however, it was slightly sunny, slight breeze and LOOKING warmer than 35... so I put on an extra layer and went!

It was a good run!  For some people, running outside is a challenge if you're used to the treadmill.  Well, the WEATHER is my "challenge," because I actually do a LOT better (pace-wise) on the road!  I did a sub-12 min mile, and my other two miles weren't shabby either!  Whereas if you look on my treadmill stats, I'm usually doing a 14/15 min mile.  I'm just thinking my treadmill sucks! lol.  Probably old and not very accurate anymore, but it's all I got!

Anyway, the minute I got inside, it started snowing! Ha! How funny is that!  It snowed off and on all day, never really sticking, but I thought the irony was just funny.

With daylight savings around the corner, I'm sure that I'll be heading outside a lot more for my runs, and that's a good thing!

Run outside: 44 min, 460 calories, 5k + cool down (walk)

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1442

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