Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 44 - Valentine's Day confession....

Ok, this blog is going to make me sound like a single person (which I am happily NOT)!  But I truly hate Valentines' Day. WHY?  Here are a few reasons:

First (and foremost), I'm one of those sappy people who think that you should show your loved ones 365 days a year that you love them.  Disclaimer:  I am NOT one of those sappy, lovey-dovey people/parents/spouse!  But if you don't show the people you love them on MOST days, what if today is their last day on earth?  Would they know how much they mean to you?

Second - today is my exhusband's bday.  Yep.  Up until last year, I didn't have a Vday simply because it was his birthday.  I know how much it's gotta suck having your bday on a holiday, and to share it.  My bday is AROUND Thanksgiving, so I think I get the general idea.  But with my ex, there was no sharing - it was just simply HIS BDAY. End of story.  *sigh, the romance....or not*

So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Although, as far as hubbys go, I've got a good one.  It's mid-afternoon as I write this, and he's already come and take me to lunch at one of my favorite Thai places (since we can't go out tonight...I refuse to leave The Princess in my home without parental supervision), and brought me tulips.  Yes, tulips.  My favorite flower.  He even mentioned that he tried to find PURPLE tulips, but couldn't.  (Yes, purple my favorite color.)


Anyway, I pretty much tracked my food until the Vday party here at school started, and frankly, gave up.  Yes, I had a few sweets, but not over-load.  At least I didn't feel pukey sick later.  And no workouts.  Gave my body a break, and honestly, didn't feel like testing the Garmin and finding it didn't work....sad, sad....

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