Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 38...whew!

Well, my hubby asked me to come home like "normal" instead of avoiding the Princess for hours upon hours.  And since I choose to honor him over his ex wife and daughter's requests (and even my own feelings for wanting to avoid the Princess), I came home.  It was a good thing too, because the ex thought she was going into labor, and so the kids ended up staying the night!

Overall, it went well.  The Princess was still her snarky self, but dealing with her for only 1 day vs. 3 is better!

However, I didn't want to eat most of the day, and so my calories were significantly lower than normal.  I even ate a left over biscuit from the night before to get another 150 cals in!

Treadmill - 43 min, 338 cals

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1129

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